Hodrick-Prescott filter - page 10

Mathemat >>:

В нашей фирме (системы бесперебойного и гарантированного электропитания) бывшие кадровые военные - на самом лучшем счету, это руководство давно уже поняло. Если задача поставлена, они ее выполнят, пусть и не самым блестящим образом и не без помощи какой-то матери, но зато без лишних шагов в сторону.

Former prison guards (internal troops) are best suited for such tasks. They have only one brain and it's not in their head, but between their buttocks.

Reshetov писал(а) >>

Former prison guards (internal troops) are best suited for such tasks. They have only one brain and it's not in their head, but between their buttocks.

Don't be so quick to compare the shit out of everyone here!!!!!!!
Not nice of you.

Take it easy, TEXX.

I read the article and don't understand it. What does it have to do with the codebase indicator?
Mathemat >>:

В нашей фирме (системы бесперебойного и гарантированного электропитания) бывшие кадровые военные - на самом лучшем счету, это руководство давно уже поняло. Если задача поставлена, они ее выполнят, пусть и не самым блестящим образом и не без помощи какой-то матери, но зато без лишних шагов в сторону.

К всяким глупостям типа пойти к врачу, если болит что-то, они явно не склонны. А с дисциплиной у них на порядок лучше, чем у многих остальных, кто не прошел школу кадрового военного.


A military brain is only good if you walk in a straight line, turn strictly at right angles, know who the biggest enemy is and work from start to finish in the afternoon. )))

Their brains are useless for other non-ideal living conditions and all hope is to get some kind of mother's help. )))

faa1947 писал(а) >>

Let's get to the point though. According to the article HP gives not only the trend but also the cyclic component. In addition, there are some thoughts on the indicator settings. Maybe someone can help to figure it out.

Andrei01 >>:

Мозг военных хорош только если ходить по прямой, поворачивать строго по прямым углам, знать кто самый главный враг и работать от начала до обеда. )))

Для остальных неидеальных условий жизни их моск в принципе малопригоден и вся надежда только на помощь какой-то матери. )))

No, they're perfectly adequate people, I can tell you that. You probably haven't had much contact with them on the job. And they are often very good sales managers (in the army they go through a good school of communicating with people, and in this they can give a head start to anyone, as they are the most hardened practitioners of social engineering).

Well, yes, there are individuals with big cockroaches in their heads, but how many of us don't have them?

Andrei01 писал(а) >>


A military brain is only good if you walk in a straight line, turn strictly at right angles, know who the biggest enemy is and work from start to finish in the afternoon. )))

For the rest their brains are useless under non-ideal living conditions and all hope is on some mother's help. )))

I remember Descartes, Bonapartes, Kalashnikov, Przywalski, Lermontov...
How many bars does it redraw? You can observe, of course, but how many bars are redrawn according to the formula?
joo писал(а) >> How many bars does it re-draw? Of course, you can observe this, but how many bars are re-drawn according to the given formula?

The number of bars on which the filter is recalculated can be set. From 1 to infinity. I do not know how it is here, but it is so in other programs.