Mechanical trading is impossible! The whole thing is profanity. - page 7

Mathemat >> :

Eh, Alexei. Hope dies last. Have you ordered a coffin yet?

Hey, Matemat! You still like explosions?

I'm not ordering a coffin!

Death is just the beginning. (Inhoteb.

<strong><span style="" color:="" rgb(66,="" 99,="" 156);="" font-family:="" tahoma,="" verdana,="" arial,="" helvetica,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 1em;=""><p><span style=" font-weight:="" bold;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 87,="" 174);="">sayfuji wrote >>
Where is the author of this thread with a rich seven-year experience, I want to learn about REAL ways to make money, not this stinking Forex for losers with Lexus.

My hotel in a good location is almost finished. I'm getting the furniture. It's all sold out for the new year.

Don't waste your time, guys.

Time is precious.


Mechanical system with a stable profit of more than 10-15% per annum NO.

Autotrading as an auxiliary tool - assistant - YES!

Aleksey24 >> :

My hotel in a good location is almost finished.

Mm... Maybe I could do some construction work in my spare time...

Andy_Kon >> :

Paraphrased, it used to be like this:

engineer is a profession with a lifelong learning.

Every broom has its own sweep. My point is this: every profession is lifelong learning, and even more so life itself is about learning. It's impossible to do without it.

Back in ancient Russia, merchants used to say: "If you're not three times ruined, and four times rich, you are not a merchant but a fool! For you haven't seen anything yet !" So there are pros and cons everywhere ! I can even find a disadvantage in a bar of gold !



Fduch >> :

Mm... Maybe I could do some construction work in my spare time...

Dibs on the bragadier.)


Fduch, the joker.

Aleksey24, having said a, say b. You sort of started the thread. If you don't mind explaining the point you started. Just a statement of fact? You yourself understand that people won't believe it for nothing, even if you say credible things. Demanding proof is stupid. Maybe then you started the topic for yourself, just to draw a line under a certain stage of life? Purely a sporting interest.

Aleksey24, keep in mind that the system-grial exists.

Farther into the forest, more firewood.

Life got better, life got more fun.

More, more....

Back to the concepts Alexei, you and the computer are MTS ?
And I say thank you to the author... for the good Russian language.
Aleksey24 писал(а) >> My hotel in a good location is almost finished. Getting the furniture in. Everything for the new year is already sold out.

Your "little candle factory"? That's good )))) Well then of course there's no need for forex. Just for the fun of it.....))))