Crisis: Don't we care? - page 82

... "At the close of trading on Tuesday, the SSSI (Salt, Cereals, Sugar,
matches) was 1,500 points. The president said it was good.
So it is good. The PvDz index down, which is even better for the health of the nation."
LeoV >> :

Everyone is cursing the dollar...... And the ruble is in the top three most devalued currencies in Europe -

Interesting report - not about the crisis - but worth reading
Zet1972 >> :
Interesting report - not about the crisis - but worth reading


Good afternoon!

In my opinion, the most reliable information about the situation can be found here.

Good luck!

IlyaF >> :

In my opinion, the most reliable information about the situation can be found here.

It's from the "he's not a reader, he's a writer" series. The link to this nonsense has already been given several times in this tride. But there is bound to be a clever person who will demonstrate his "readiness" again.

Why this insulting post, timbo?
IlyaF писал(а) >>

In my opinion, the most reliable information on the situation can be found here.

It would be interesting to know if IlyaF has seen the certificate of authenticity of this article with his own eyes, and who signed it ? :-)

The article is written easily (which is good) and superficially (which is alas ...). It was clearly written by an amateur, but not stupid. Understanding of the real reasons is missing, but in the current situation, when everything is falling apart, any gloomy picture will not be far from reality. And advertising real estate as a way to survive the crisis, plus his own production - that's waaaayyyyyyyyy. Of course, the guy wants to finish what he started and what may remain unfinished forever in the crisis. He could have written much more than that for the sake of it. I only pity those who buy it.

Passages like

My friends often ask me what will happen after the default of the dollar, will the dollar change to amero and why do I think that other currencies (euro, ruble, pound, etc.) will fall. I will try to explain.

Quiet ! The "guru" is broadcasting ! :-) Very interesting - currencies will fall, and all at once. :-))) And the author's illusions about Russia are also ridiculous. Here is an article by a normal expert, who explains in simple language, even for a man in the street, what has been done in Russia, especially over the last six months, and what should be done now:

IlyaF >> :
Why this insulting post, timbo?

The point is that it's insulting to the participants in a discussion without having read its contents. Like I don't care what you've said, but I've got a revelation for you.

Wow, some interesting material on The material is in English.
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