EA contest on real accounts - page 5

YuraZ >> :

made it in time

- it was ready in summer - i was waiting for new data :-)

for 2009 if I can and in time I will do a trend-finder on a neural network!


OK, let's compete :)

goldtrader писал (а) >>

One thing is for sure:

there aren't many people who will send really good experts because

a sober and logical person capable of writing a good expert

is also able to adequately assess the whole background of the event.

you're not quite right!

For example, the METAQUOTES contest is sometimes filled with quite normal, profitable experts

with interesting ideas, but you understand that it's elementary to get the source code from ex4!

and yet the sensible and thinking ones send in!


the difference is in the status of the contests of course!

as between

the world championships ( the Olympics ) with a prize ( happy life - flowers - limousines - a flat in Moscow - a safe old age )

and the 50 metres race in the village of Nyuhovka in Prikugutskiy district with the prize of a bottle of beer.

there is certainly a difference!


in both cases you give your idea away!

and the rustle of nuts is very different!


Gans-deGlucker писал (а) >>
Я не понимаю, чего вы взъелись на парня? вам жалко свои творения, которые в тестере показывают заоблачные горы, а в жизни (даже сейчас на демо-конкурсе) все сливают? А что мешает накачать из инета советников да и послать парню на его конкурс? Говят в инете их тысячи :) оставьте себе ваши бессонные ночи и крик жены. никто на них не претендует. и если кто-то думает что цель таких конкурсов - тупо собрать код, то это заблуждение, сродное отстаиванию демо-миллионов тестера. а вот статистики подобной совместной работы действительно я не видел. в открытом доступе. Автору вопрос - почему для начала всего 10 советников? это очень мало. если вопрос в ресурсах, пишите, я могу рассказать как запустить сотню экспертов на пентиум 3 с гигом оперативки и обойтись без покупки блейд-сервера за 35К. :) контакты мои в профиле.

That's what I'm talking about!

they'll send you 10 grand downloaded from the internet

YuraZ писал (а) >>

with interesting ideas, but you yourself realise that getting the source code from ex4 is elementary!

I disagree. Can you get the source C++ code by analysing an exe file? No. The same is true for ex4.

ex4 is not encrypted source code, as many people mistakenly believe, it's a bytecode compiled program executed by a terminal interpreter.

Yuri, so let them send it. I just want in this case to separate a quite sensible idea of such a joint launch of different experts from its possibly not very correct realization by unknown here author. the author - don't be offended. :)
bstone писал (а) >>

I disagree . Can you get the source C++ code by analyzing an exe-file? No. The same applies to ex4.

ex4 is not encrypted source code, as many people mistakenly believe, it's a byte-code compiled program executed by a terminal interpreter.

It's not the same! Trust me.

I can convince you...

Send me your ex4 expert ... better email me, in my profile address


I really hope that MQL5 won't contain any byte code - which smart guys easily translate into MQ4

- but just a normal binary! Like EXE, as it happens in industrial compilers.

Limit 10 in order to fine-tune the rules, conditions, etc.

Well, there is no difference between binary and bytecode. It's just that the binary "interprets" the CPU and the bytecode interprets the terminal.

If MQ4 were directly translated into executable code, it would be a lot easier to deal with, due to the huge number of tools available (debuggers, disassemblers, etc.).

You can get a disassembler dump from the binary and then, using your brain, try to reconstruct the logic of the original program. But it will never be the original source code, except in the most trivial cases.

Lovecraft писал (а) >>
A limit of 10 in order to fine tune the rules, conditions etc.

Your timing is perfect!

Anyone who couldn't make it to 2008 can come to you!

10 is very little, limitation - what is it about?

(>> so maybe it's smarter to get the rules right first.


and another question I asked you above ... (>> what is your interest?)