EA contest on real accounts - page 2


bstone писал(а) >>
Предлагаю исправить в правилах требование к экспертам быть ресурсоемкими на противоположное.

Agreed) Corrected.

Regarding the timing of the event. I think that just in time for the end of the Main Championship, the rules etc. will be decided.


Цель проекта: Доказать возможность существования прибыльных АТС


Who is Lovecraft? As they say, who's the hoo of? The man assembled a team of expert writers... and then, fuck it... that team, I'd rather have a bunch of experts. "Winner's rewards are provided" - just kidding. There's so many contests going on. Wouldn't you like to know how it's done, or did you just have a delirious idea?

Sometimes, honestly, you can't help but wonder at the simplicity of the soul. Why don't you go work at the factory? You could build something useful there... Man, I can't get enough of spammers, they're everywhere with their super-proposals and genius ideas.


Lovecraft >> :

The idea is inspired by Reshetov's theme of the 'Anti-Fit Championship'.

Championship then stalled due to detection of implicit bugs in MT4. That is, the tester was drawing 0 timeframe mismatch errors. But in fact these errors were visible to the naked eye, although according to the reports they should not have been there at all.

see. MT4 developers. Glitch in the tester in Build 216.

Lovecraft писал (а) >>
Monday morning makes even bigger critics and sceptics out of critics and sceptics.
I was referring to the utopian goal of proving anything to anyone. You will never prove it. Unless you prove it to yourself, and that is highly questionable. More likely you'll be able to talk yourself into it, not prove it. Choose another goal and everything will be all right.
Lovecraft >> :

Let there be a lot of suggestions, but there is a lot of discussion about "real life", what's up.

I suggest that we don't develop an offtopic.

And how does this event answer the question about the real? Micro-real is another demo, it has nothing to do with real.

And you really shouldn't talk offtop, a person with a nickname "art of love" and his own porn-server can't be a dishonest person, he's guaranteed not to steal other people's pundits.

Reshetov писал(а) >>

The Championship then died due to the discovery of implicit bugs in MT4. That is, the tester drew 0 errors of timeframe inconsistency. In fact these same errors were visible to the naked eye, while according to the reports they should not have been there at all.

See also. To the MT4 developers. Tester Glitch in Build 216

Thank you, I will familiarize myself with it. How about testing during the week on demo?

KimIV, I will think about what you said.

timbo, +1.

timbo >> :

And how does this event answer the question about the real thing? Micro-real is another demo, it has nothing to do with real.

And here offtopika really don't need, a man with a nickname "art of love" and his own porn-server can't be a dishonest person, he's guaranteed not to steal other people's pundits.

Even so :))) and I think porn and prostitution are somewhere close together. what's decency got to do with it? or is this just banter, timbo?


What's with the advisor contest all of a sudden!? It looks more like a scam. The site looks a bit suspicious. I think the purpose of this event is not as such on the site. I can assume that the PURPOSE of the event, holding a competition among experts and with these mega profitable ekperts in the top three in the "bushes".

To the author of the thread: "Why do we need this 'Bayan' of yours though???? " the ekperts championship starts in a day!?!?!? You're making me think that this is just a "lure" nothing more!