all on buying the PFTS index !!! - page 3

sergeev писал (а) >>

Why are you supporting this topic? It's like a one-sided monologue or blog.

I am interested in quoting and trading the PFTS index.

If no one is interested, it's easier not to write and the topic will die. perhaps this discrepancy indicates that oil is about to fall to 40 a barrel - or even lower? The markets are showing expectations. So oil and gas stocks really should be sold?


the commodity bubble is deflating

it looks like the alternative energy bubble is being inflated. buy it before it's too late. forget the PFTS :)

Mathemat писал (а) >> perhaps this discrepancy indicates that oil is about to fall to 40 a barrel - or even lower? The markets are showing expectations. So oil and gas stocks really should be sold?

If Nemtsov and Milov are to be believed, and it's not hard to check their numbers, then the oil and gas sector should be run like hell. If the Western media is to be believed, and the Western media is to be believed, then the whole Russian economy must flee. So investors are fleeing.

In addition, now the weather is such on a global scale that you have to keep your money not in the risky banana republics, but closer to home, even if it's less income but much less risk. That is why bonds are getting more expensive.

Mathemat писал (а) >> perhaps this discrepancy indicates that oil is about to fall to 40 a barrel - or even lower? The markets are showing expectations. So oil and gas stocks really should be sold?

It looks like a tried-and-true Thatcher-era scenario for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Inflate energy prices and then bring them down sharply.

If that's the case, all the economies associated with Russia will be down for a long time to come.

nickbilak wrote (a) >>

The commodity bubble is deflating.

They seem to be inflating the alternative energy bubble now. buy it before it is too late. forget about PFTS :)

I can't forget that I have money there. last year I made good money on the index shares, the year before on the Arsagera fund.

I don't know how to do it. this problem is partly why I'm on this site.

timbo писал (а) >>

If Nemtsov and Milov are to be believed, and it is not hard to check their figures, then the oil and gas sector must be run like hell. If the Western media is to be believed, and the Western media is to be believed, then the whole Russian economy must flee. So investors are fleeing.

In addition, now the weather is such on a global scale that you need to keep your money not in the risky banana republics, but closer to home, even if it's less income, but much less risk. That is why bonds are getting more expensive.

Russia's financial powerhouse GAZPROM - losing 11bn a week

Gazprom shares hit a near 3-year low on Tuesday, with the gas holding's capitalization falling at a rate of $11 billion a week over the past four months.


We're waiting for our favourite hidden divergence - and there hasn't been one on the D1 for -4 months now

it's not realistic for a stock - GP to be worth 160p

and not just GP... GAZ was bought by Europe and will continue buying it!

Bourgeois investors are dumping their stocks, and that is all... and not just Russian investors.

Their shares are falling in all currencies too...

So we're going down, flat and together...


And so the government decides to step in and provide liquidity to the Russian banking system

oh, :-))) they are going to reverse the WORLD trend ? well... well...


I wonder what minimum oil/gas prices are budgeted for?

Mathemat писал (а) >>

I wonder what minimum oil/gas prices are budgeted for?

... The budget, however, should stand up to adverse scenarios. Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said today at a meeting of the State Duma budget committee that Russia would be able to live without a deficit in the treasury next year, even if the oil price falls to $70 a barrel. The head of the Finance Ministry believes this is the price at which the 2009 federal budget will be balanced. Yet the government hopes to sell the raw materials at a higher price: the average forecast for 2009 is $95 per barrel.


... The head of the Finance Ministry reminded that the oil price forecast for 2008 was $55 per barrel, then it was increased several times to $112 per barrel. And if the price of Russian raw materials does not recover by the end of the year, the latter forecast will not be realized. "We are at the limit of the values on which the budget parameters are based," he stressed.

According to Kudrin, the budget of the RF will be deficit-free in 2010 at $71 per barrel, and in 2011 at $68 per barrel. - Kudrin said that the RF budget will be deficit-free in 2010 and $68 a barrel in 2011, and then the country may switch to a deficit-based budget in accordance with the budget strategy for the period until 2023. This year is a watershed year for commodity revenues: starting next year, they will begin to decline. However, the decline is not related to a fall in oil prices but to a decrease of the share of the oil and gas sector in the GDP, noted Mr. Kudrin. This share should gradually decrease from 11.2% in 2008 to 6.9% in 2011.


That's right, timbo,

...даже если oil price is going to go down to $70 a barrel.

If you think of the RTS/MICEX as a leading oil price indicator (silly, eh?), everything is heading towards 30 (max) per barrel...

Mathemat писал (а) >>

That's right, timbo,

If you think of the RTS/MICEX as a leading indicator of oil prices (silly, eh?), everything is heading towards 30 (maximum) per barrel...

And don't think of a third world country's stock index as a leading indicator of global trends. Oil prices come from a confrontation between two forces: increasing consumption by booming China and India and decreasing consumption due to recession in the Western world and in those same India and China. If the crisis in the USA worsens, the oil price will go down, if things improve, it will double its strength.