all on buying the PFTS index !!! - page 5

45- писал (а) >>

I absolutely agree. We are doomed to rise.

The Russian market has already banned short positions.

in the US they banned short trades for small targets and short timeframes

so - stop selling, it's time to go short


guys have a laugh..... the market went down a long time ago and one of the dc's

just closed the short yesterday :)

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Geronimo писал (а) >>

We're back in the game. We hope we don't get removed from the pitch in the first half

"We are back in the game. Hopefully we will not be suspended in the first half, although this time it could be the Russian Bulls who get the red card for their irrepressible initiative. Judging by the dynamics of ADRs of domestic companies in Europe and America, we will open trading with a gap up.

This is just a masterpiece. The depth of analysis is amazing. Although you don't need any analysis to predict an up gap. The Dow is up four percent, so everybody else is gonna jump. If the Dow is down today, everyone else will open with a gap on Monday. The Russian market is completely secondary, and to analyze it is like predicting rain by puddles.

timbo писал (а) >> predicting rain by the presence of puddles in the street.

Well, yes, that's exactly what the standard indictors do: if the puddles became more than 5cm deep yesterday, then there is a high probability of rain today ("breakdown"). And there is a more sophisticated analysis: if the average depth of puddles over a week was more than 3 cm, it will not rain in the near future, but there will be a drought ("rebound").

Mathemat писал (а) >>

Well, yes, that's exactly what the standard indictors do: if the puddles became more than 5cm deep yesterday, then there is a high probability of rain today ("breakdown"). And there is a more sophisticated analysis: if the weekly average puddle depth is greater than 3 cm, it will not rain in the near future, but will be a drought ("rebound").

This is still a very 'advanced' analysis. Quite over-quoted analysts look out the window, see puddles and circles from droplets falling there, puff up their cheeks and issue a forecast that we are in for rain. That is, they predict what has already happened.

A man drives up to a shepherd tending his flock of sheep, sticks his head out of the window and says:

- If I tell you how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?

The slightly surprised shepherd replies:

- Sure, why not.

Then this guy takes out his laptop, hooks it up to his mobile phone, connects it to the Internet, goes to the NASA website, selects the GPS satellite link, gets the exact coordinates of where he is and sends them to another NASA satellite, which scans the area and produces an ultra-high resolution photo. This type then transmits the image to one of Hamburg's labs, which sends him an E-mail after a few seconds confirming that the image has been processed and that the data has been stored in a database. He connects to the MS-SQL database via ODBC, copies the data into an EXCEL table and begins the calculation. After a few minutes, he gets the result and prints out 150 pages in colour on his miniature printer.

Finally he tells the shepherd:

- You have 1,586 sheep in your flock.

- That's right! That's exactly how many sheep I have in my flock. Well, take your pick.

The man picks one and puts it in the boot. And then the shepherd says to him:

- "Listen, if I guess what you do, will you give it back to me?

After a little thought, the man says:

- Come on.

- You work as a consultant," the shepherd says suddenly.

- 'It's bloody true! And how on earth did you work it out?

- 'It was easy to do,' says the shepherd, 'you show up when nobody called you, you want payment for an answer I already know, to a question nobody asked you, and besides, you don't know shit about my job.


Great ! :-)))
two times super

US introduces ban on short positions and short trading - RBS

in the UK a ban on selling

Russia threw some money into the market --- we have a gap across the board

Geronimo писал (а) >>

Bidding is not for everyone or profiteering for a select few

"As we suspected...

Pop-a-doodle-doo, pop-a-doodle-doo!

Will you stop spamming the forum already? If you think it's important news then give me a link and a brief announcement, no need for this rubbish here.

timbo писал (а) >>

Butt-drunk, butt-drunk, butt-drunk!

Will you stop spamming the forum already? If you think it's important news, give me a link and a short announcement, don't give me that rubbish.

Whoever heard the topic has earned it. PFTS will launch repos, derivatives and real-time index trading before the New Year.

Latest figures.

There are 20 mln. of able-bodied people in Ukraine.

Of them 50 thousand are traders on the stock exchange.

This is 0.25%.

The index has lost about 70% since the beginning of the year.

The leading companies of the country have lost more than $70bn in the value of securities.

And the hryvnia has been voted the best banknote in the world.