Can you tell me which trading systems anyone knows? I'm sick of metatrader! - page 7

SK. wrote (a):
SK. wrote (a):

Well, I wrote in Russian - DC does not forbid it. Their words - "there are no restrictions", and you can't put it through a script...

There is no direct or indirect prohibition in the regulations - so you can.

It does not.

And it only means that the brokerage company did not include this detail in the contract. Negligence or malice. But in any case, this is not a problem of the trading platform, but a problem of legal relations.

Bullshit - then any error in the TM is only what the DC didn't include (Negligence or malice) in the contract.

All that is not explicitly or implicitly forbidden is allowed. If you want to use pips - use pips until you are transferred to manual handling. If they do - stop doing it, they'll put you back on automatic.

There's... there's no logic to your reasoning.

You really have to distinguish between flies and cutlets.

Why "then any error"? MT errors are MT errors. A DT's malice is a DT's malice.

And cranky users are the real bullshit.

If brokerage company does not specify a minimum order expiration time and Technical Support asserts that they do not give a damn even in 10 sec. And MT does not allow us to put an order with such parameters, then this is just an error in MT. We do not agree with what? Our brokerage companies allow us to do this and do not know where to configure it, while MT does not allow us to do it. But nowhere does it say anything about this restriction... WHAT is not an error. I'll write it in English if you want. What is not clear. !?

Sorry for the tone, but in fact, is not it obvious that if there are rules, they should always be voiced and written. For finance.

Your tone and the content of your thoughts involuntarily recalled Bulgakov:

"You allow yourself with the swagger, which is absolutely unbearable, to give some space advices of cosmic scale and cosmic silliness ".

Have you read it

It says: On some trade servers there may be a ban on pending orders expiry. In this case an error 147 (ERR_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED) will be generated when trying to set a non-zero value in the expiration parameter.

Have you analysed the error code? Have you found out from the brokerage company whether they allow (understanding exactly what and how to set) this parameter? And if they don't know, maybe you should think about the reasons for your problems before you open your mouth and make public accusations?

Don't waste your energy. Before you write, you should at least learn to read. Start with M. Bulgakov, "Heart of a Dog. Then gradually move on to the MT documentation.

SK. писал (а):

Have you read this

It says: On some trade servers there may be a ban on pending orders expiry. In this case an error 147 (ERR_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED) will be generated when you try to set a non-zero value in the expiration parameter.

Have you analysed the error code? Have you found out from the brokerage company whether they allow (understanding exactly what and how to set) this parameter? And if they don't know, maybe you should think about the causes of your problems before you open your mouth and make public accusations?

You see - it turns out there are restrictions after all.....

MProgrammer: So again you have an evil DC to blame? :))

Some DCs who use MT4 - don't have a clue about MT4 at all. Let me tell you a funny story. When I opened a real (not demo) account with a very famous brokerage company I put an EA and wanted to trade. But the Expert Advisor does not trade!!!!!!!!!!!! I got an error and that's all. I go to the programmer. I will go to my brokerage company and ask him what he expects. I am calling to brokerage company and ask if I can trade with Expert Advisors? They say they may trade by Expert Advisors. I say my Expert Advisor does not trade. They say it means your Expert Advisor is not developed correctly. I am shocked. In short, after two days of negotiations and sending logs, it turned out that they forgot to turn on the server autoplay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my EA is done correctly!!!!!

So the conclusion is that the person who answers the phone in brokerage companies may not even be aware of the time of action of the pending order. That's why he says - put it at any time, I don't mind... Maybe he may be fine with it - only the server is against it and he doesn't even know about it.

It's not an excuse, it's a suggestion.

And what does it have to do with division, much less zero? :(

You don't have to guess - "where's the division"... Just answer my question about "what happens if your EA tracks orders. If it divides by zero?" Anything may happen. Right? No one is immune to mistakes.

SK. писал (а):
Your tone and the content of your thoughts involuntarily brought to mind Bulgakov's:

"You allow yourself with a swagger absolutely unbearable, giving some advice of cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity".

Have you read it

It says : On some trade servers, there may be a prohibition on pending orders expiry. In this case an error 147 (ERR_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED) will be generated when you try to set non-zero value in expiration parameter.

Have you analysed the error code? Have you found out from the brokerage company whether they allow (understanding exactly what and how to set) this parameter? And if they don't know, maybe you should think about the reasons for your problems before you open your mouth and make public accusations?

Don't waste your energy. Before you write, you should at least learn to read. Start with M. Bulgakov, "Heart of a Dog. Then gradually move on to the MT documentation.

Come on, I do not mind pointing out once again what is written here - I will explain in simpler words - the server can be prohibited to set the expiry date, then you can not set it. Once again, for smart people like you who have read Bulgakov - if it is forbidden then you can not set any date at all, neither 11 minutes nor two hours.

So I'll let myself open my mouth. :)) Once again, even in spite of your competent advice, I think I'm beginning to understand why you don't resent the fact that the documentation says one thing is actually happening in a different way... It's just that the mas have a particular understanding of what's written... Apparently the correct understanding is "at least 11 minutes"... Yeah, I'll learn from you. Thank you.


You don't have to guess "where the division is"... Just answer the question I asked - "what happens if your EA tracks orders. Does it divide by zero?" Well, anything's possible. Right? No one is immune to mistakes.

So MQ and MQL4 language are to blame for YOUR mistakes (division by 0, etc.)?

SZZY Why all these questions, which are getting away from the subject such as:

- what will happen if Chubais shuts down the power supply?

- If the pvt cuts the internet?

- PC crashes?



You don't have to guess "where the division is"... Just answer the question I asked - "what happens if your EA tracks orders. Does it divide by zero?" Well, anything's possible. Right? No one is immune to mistakes.

So it's MQ and MQL4 language that's to blame for YOUR mistakes (division by 0, etc.)?

No, you just advised me that it's "not to ask too much of what's impossible" - "you're all so capricious" ... You just have to program it yourself to be removed at a given time. I told you - fine, but what happens if I follow your advice, I'll make an advisor, and my mistake will result in division by zero... And notice that this EA only did what it was supposed to do MT. А ?


No, you just advised me that - "don't demand the impossible" "there are many of you who are so capricious" ... Just program the removal yourself after a set period of time. I told you - fine, but what happens if I follow your advice, I'll make an advisor, and my mistake will result in division by zero ... And notice that this EA only did what it was supposed to do MT. А ?

This is a completely different kind of risk: if you (not about you, of course) do not know how to correctly write code, then the error can happen in any place, and not necessarily in the thinnest place - at the expiration of the order. After all, we are talking about the expiry parameter in the EA, aren't we? You can just as well make a mistake in the size of the lot, stop and take, or whatever...


Open the help in the client terminal. Section "Trading - Trade positions management - Setting pending orders". It reads:

Expiration - to set the time of order validity. If the order does not close before that time, it will be deleted automatically.
Attention: The expiry time of the order must be at least 10 minutes!

Aha! We got you! Not 10 but 11!!! The reason is that the order expiry time is calculated as the difference between the expiry time and the time the order was accepted for processing. This difference is rounded down to the nearest minute, i.e. seconds are simply cut off. Ideally, the order will get to be processed the same second.

And in the usual case, this is what it looks like. We have calculated the time of expiration of exactly 10 minutes. By the time the order enters processing, it will have 9 minutes and 55 seconds to live. The seconds have been discarded and we have 9 minutes left. No good.

Why didn't they write it in the language reference? Because it is not related to programming, but to the general rules of trading from the client terminal, just like the rules of placing stops, rules of pending orders, etc.

Why can we set by hand 1 minute before an order expires? This is our fault. Although, this limitation is clearly stated in the manual for pending order placing


Why can you manually set 1 minute before the order expires?

But you can also delete it programmatically after 1 second (if the tick comes). So vtorgoving is ahead again in this respect. I do not see a problem...