[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 743


It may have been here before. Two well-mannered and pretty girls talking about football. The 10th second in particular is a lovely touch.


It may have been here before. Two well-mannered and pretty girls talking about football. The 10th second in particular is adorable.

It's similar to some of the discussions in the forum threads, though. >

Reasons for dismissals from the most real orders from different companies.

1. Brought poplar fluff to his workplace during the week and set it on fire.

2. Jumped out of the wardrobe unexpectedly and scared the firm's business partners.

3. Placed a paper clipboard on a colleague's chair and sat on it.
and sat on it, thus demonstrating a low level of intelligence
of his position.

4. Fell out of the window of the smoking room for the second time in a month.

5. Hasn't been on leave for a second year.

6. Made a $100 bet with his line management that they couldn't fire him.

7. Pulled piercings on the female half of the team.

8. Was spotted in the women's bathroom. Out of sheer emotion, was unable to say anything to justify his actions. 9.

9. I have stapled and duct-taped the money that was to be paid out. 10.

10. Carved his initials on his desk at work.

11. He constantly pours the unfinished tea into the aquarium and washes the mug there as well.

12. Smoked some nasty stuff right in the workplace. Stupidly
11. right in the workplace, smoked some kind of filth.
He refused to write an explanatory letter, justifying it by the fact that he could not hold a piece of paper because he did not have his hands!

A real excerpt from the Vozrozhdenie Bank order: clause 6. prohibit
legal counsel Yozhikov V.A. to answer the phone: "Bank Vozrozhdenie
Ezhikov listening...", due to inappropriate follow-up questions

another situation: at work (at the bank) there is a person with
the surname Hamyakov and when he picks up the phone he says: "hamster security
listening ...".

real story: in the local office of a travel agency located in the
Cosmos hotel, there was a manager with the last name Los. When she
called the travel agency's head office, she told the secretary in a pleasant, female
in a pleasant female voice - "...says Los from Cosmos.

the first 12 are great, but with this one...
"revival bank

listening to hedgehogs..."

you couldn't tell the bank to say that--

"bank revival legal counsel.
listening to the hedgehogs..."


buy me a Bentley, buy me)))))



I was just driving through Krasnodar and saw a cool ad.

Karaoke bar 'Zapoy': if you can't sing, don't drink!


Knowledge is power!


It's time for a "Useful Gadgets" thread.

I laughed beside my chair for five minutes when I read the news Orangutans like the Apple iPad.

