[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 65


"The great mathematician of all time" sells his "books" for $0.99:
And the picture makes you want to cry.
And you can't make any money on forex. Not smart enough?

Don't forget that only 2% are smart enough.


How not to do commercials

That's how the day went.
More like a commercial for hallucinogens.
without them, doing exercise with pandas on the edge of a cliff is not gonna cut it.
Probably all old stuff, but someone might be interested.
A couple at a doctor's appointment.

She: Doctor, my husband suffers from premature ejaculation...
Husband: Doctor, I don't suffer, she suffers.


London's prostitutes have gone on strike. The event has moved from the newspapers to the corridors of Parliament.

-So why are they on strike?! -Angered the Speaker. - Maybe they're being harassed by hooligans? He asks the Home Secretary.

- Sir, replies the minister, they have the best security personnel. No one will touch them.

- Then maybe they are unhappy with the medical care?

- They use the best private doctors, sir, says the Minister of Health.

- Well, there must be a reason," says the Speaker.

- There is a reason, says the Minister of Defence, they're just fucked up, sir!


Went scouting in combat and came back gay.


Two gay men standing there, an attractive woman walks by. One gay man goes, "Shit! I wish I was a lesbian!"


gip >>:

Замысел сценариста: девушка последовательно превращается в светильник, затем в пачку бумаги, опять в девушку, затем в .... Кстати, а как ты определил что это панда?

I don't insist on the panda, but it's the only thing the two black and white dudes look like (I don't insist on gender either)
I can't get a handle on the meaning of these pandas.
More confused by the elephant, or rather the location and purpose of his trunk
The elephant is not explained why he sleeps in overclothes and not in pajamas. If he sleeps in pajamas, why does he wear them all day long?