[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 601


I've been playing around in this thread - simulant is the word passatio...

Unfortunate - got into the thick of it.



I've been playing around in this thread - simulant is the word passatio...

Unfortunate - got into the thick of it.


I see... :-)))

I've been playing around in this thread - simulant is the word passatio...

Unfortunate - got into the thick of it.


I didn't get it - I interpreted it as it is... :-)))

I see... :-)))

but with Volkswagen, it's a working theme.

A lot of clips can be made for different age and gender groups...



but with Volkswagen, it's a working theme.

A lot of clips can be made for different age and gender groups...


I see... :-)))

but with Volkswagen, it's a working theme.

A lot of clips can be made for different age and gender groups...


I have two cats myself - 'Vaska' and 'Alice'... I'm going to try it out :-)))) on them... Here it is not enough yet in a theme of defenders of animals... In general all these posts - in a branch can be removed...

I myself have two cats - "Vaska" and "Alice"... I'll try it out on them :-))))... There was not enough here in a theme of defenders of animals... In general all these posts - in a branch it will be possible to delete...

Drowning procedure for them (and IgorM 22.03.2011 23:32 very rightly pointed out) is more stressful for the little animals...

And so together in the rain - Tara described. We waited out the moons and trade winds... It's the season.

All in all, I think the scheme is humane.

WITHOUT introducing a no-fly zone _ but you flew...



Drowning procedure for them (and IgorM 22.03.2011 23:32 very rightly pointed out) is more stressful for the little animals...

And so together in the rain - Tara described. We waited out the moons and trade winds... It's the season.

All in all, I think the scheme is humane.

WITHOUT introducing a no-fly zone _ but you flew...


1. What's the procedure... :-))) What kind of stress are they under...

2. Of course we flew... We know... What a stress - (thank goodness we survived - we flew to Moscow a year ago - it was a lot of turbulence... I never felt like that...).

3. The season is such - to run over a kitty on a passatefoil (purposely merged)... He (she) will not understand anything...


Drowning procedure for them (and IgorM 22.03.2011 23:32 very rightly pointed out) is more stressful for the little animals...

And so together in the rain - Tara described. We waited out the moons and trade winds... It's the season.

All in all, I think the scheme is humane.

WITHOUT introducing a no-fly zone _ but you flew...


It's just not for me - I'm generally an animal lover. :-)))
