[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 515

Can you make it so that it doesn't roll, but stands on an incline?

This is the principle of the wobbly-wobbly (Wang-wobbly). After all, the bouncing bunny will not roll down an incline either. The load is not evenly distributed over the volume of the ball, but is closer to one of its edges (although what edges a ball has :).

That is, the centre of mass does not coincide with the geometric centre of the ball. The weight is attached inside the ball with honey, so it doesn't roll and moves slowly, but it moves. If you pour glue on it instead of honey and let it harden, the ball will not roll. That's the kind of entertaining physics. The explanation is simple and it looks spectacular.


ZS We need to look for Mishek as soon as possible, the branch is dying out. (((


I get it, I need to get one of these in my office.

I've got it, but the only thing that surprised me was the needle lying on the surface of the water in the glass.


ZS We need to look for Mishek immediately, the branch is dying out. (((

Isn't he in a bathhouse?
Isn't he in a bathhouse by any chance?
Guys like him don't go to the baths.
Isn't he in a bathhouse by any chance?
he can't be in the bathhouse, he's a Mishek, but he could be, but then the bathhouse takes on a different meaning:)
I know for a fact he hasn't been banned.
He's banned from this forum. Look for it on the Fifth.
and you did the right thing.

