[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 50


In the spring of 2006, the market was per, and especially of the pigeonholed GP. The mood was purely football-like: "Let's tear it all up!", "Gazprom is our everything!", "Let's give GP 400!" and the like. Then, as I remember it now, on May 12, GDP spoke and everything started to fall apart. No one wanted to believe in a deep correction of the GP, and the forums were littered with all kinds of incantations. I liked one patriotic couplet:

Today he'll sell out Gazprom,
And tomorrow he'll sell out his mother with an axe.

The author seems to have been inspired by a poem from the Stilyag wrestling days: "Today he plays jazz, // Tomorrow he'll sell his motherland!"

I laughed for a long time then. (It was especially warming that at that time, just before May, I had given up all my GPs - I don't remember why, levels, I think.)


However, maybe the poem about GP has already appeared later, I can be mistaken.

kraizislot писал(а) >>

and the lectures in printed form, what kind of duty did the students get? no!!!

This is true. The lectures are not interesting. Writing is 70-80 per cent of the time. Students are asleep. Lack of modern "formats": interactive whiteboards, lecturer-prepared presentations, training videos, printouts of lectures, good textbooks and much more. In short, nobody needs anything. Students pretend to learn. Associate professors pretend to work. The state pretends to pay them.

Richie писал(а) >>

It's true. The lectures are not interesting. Writing is 70-80 per cent of the time. Students are asleep. Lack of modern "formats": interactive whiteboards, lecturer-prepared presentations, training videos, printouts of lectures, good textbooks and much more. In short, nobody needs anything. Students pretend to learn. Associate professors pretend to work. The state pretends to pay them.

And why have you never lectured to me, it was a pity such a specialist, though of course there were specialists in my home country too?

imya >>:
Подходит так иностранец к отечественным чувакам и ненароком так спрашивает: "Ду ю спик инглиш?" Молчат чуваки. Он по новой "Парль ву а франсэ? Парлиамо итальано? Эспаньол? Нихон-го?" Молчат чуваки. Ну, импортный перец разворачивается и уходит. И тогда один наш говорит другому " Ты бачь, Мыкола, яка розумна людына! Скильки мов знае! ... И шо то ему дало??"

+5 ))))))))

From Twitter:
Curling is the sport of 80-level cleaning ladies.

Dedicated to the snowfall:

Digging up the car again.

Someone else's again.

Swetten >>:

Снегопадам посвящается:

Снова откопал машину.

Опять чужую.

xxx: Man, how many times have we told the world - first dig up the number plate, then the rest of the car...

I was in Sberbank RF and there was a queue there since December, my number was issued by a special person at number 37, at that time there were more from the previous list, they were 370,371. Then I cashed out. then I looked at the depo for 20 minutes pound/dollar dropped from +260 to -70 and closed. Fuck, I waited eight hours for that +260 and while I was cashing it out... .

Sberbank Russia has introduced an online banking system, in which you can stand in a virtual queue.
An important innovation is also the lunch break from 1 to 2 p.m.
gip >>:
Сбербанк РФ ввел систему интернет-банкинга, в ней можно постоять в виртуальной очереди.
Важным нововведением также является обеденный перерыв с 13:00 до 14:00.
