[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 491

I witnessed a similar bagging. But still, when the ice cleared on that body of water, all the banks and tailings were littered with dead fish.


My godfather had been a cook on a submarine for five years. When I told him how a submarine was built, he was speechless. That sailor didn't even know the ins and outs of being a submarine cook. :))) You should have seen his face :)))) How he managed to avoid standard navy swear words, I still wonder :)))))))
Interesting phrase :-)), did they smuggle stuff like that? :-))

Then with a link.
Then with a link.
Thank you. Missed it.


Now that must be what fishing is all about.

I'd love to hit the hump with that same fucking shovel.
And why is that? Because in their haste they forgot to ratify Article 20 of the UN Convention Against Corruption, which makes illicit enrichment (excess of expenditure over income) a criminal offence. They ratified the convention, but minus one article. Why should that be?

"We're going to the circus today!
In the arena again
With the tamer Bear
Uncle Vova the tamer.

The circus is going wild with excitement.
I'm laughing, holding on to Daddy,
And the Bear doesn't growl,
But sucks his paw in a funny way,

He takes himself by the scruff of the neck,
and bows to the children.
What fun in the circus
With Uncle Vova and the Bear!"


Agniya Barto, 1957.




Agniya Barto, 1957.

You're on your way. :)