[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 487


If a child solves this problem, he or she will be placed in PE class.

I couldn't do it in 5 minutes, I was too lazy for longer.

cow - 2
sheep 2
piggy 3
dog 3
cat 3
duck 3
cuckoo - 4
rooster - 8

donkey ?

donkey - 2. 36 sec.

right (

and I've already started to recalculate the insides


...and I've already started counting the entrails

Speaking of guts.

There is a test for this. To test the knowledge of a ship's doctor. V.V.Konetsky told about this method. With a large gathering of people dining in officers' quarters, at lunch, the newly arrived doctor is asked a passing, casual question - "Do you know that a horse has no liver? And then you have to immediately change the subject. Most likely, the next night, the doctor rushes into your cabin all disheveled holding a textbook in his hands and starts poking his finger at the pages, frantically proving to you that the horse has a liver, and even what a liver. That's the kind of doctor you can trust your body to. If not, it's best to stay away from such a doctor.

Funny thing is, only one got it right, and he turned out to be a former vet.


Speaking of insides.

There is a test for this. To test the knowledge of a ship's doctor. V.V.Konetsky told about this method. With a large gathering of people dining in officers' quarters at lunch, the newly arrived doctor is asked a passing, casual question - "Do you know that a horse has no liver? And then you have to immediately change the subject. Most likely, the next night, the doctor broke into your cabin all disheveled holding a textbook in his hands and will start, poking his finger at the pages, frantically proving to you that the horse has a liver, and even what a liver. You can trust your body to such a doctor. If all this is not the case, it is best to stay away from such a doctor.

The funniest thing is that only one answered correctly, and he turned out to be a former veterinarian.

They have a funny way about them, the seafarers.)

How monkeys demonstrate basic human concepts:
A cage. There are five monkeys in it. There's a bunch of bananas tied to the ceiling. Underneath them is a ladder. Hungry, one of the monkeys approaches the ladder with the obvious intention of reaching for the banana. As soon as it touches the ladder, you pull out a hose and pour ALL the ice water. Time passes and another monkey tries to eat the banana - you pull out the hose again and repeat your actions. We turn off the water. The third monkey, stupefied from hunger, tries to head for the stairs, but the others grab it, not wanting a cold shower. Now we replace one of the monkeys. The new one, not knowing anything about the shower, heads for the stairs, but sees only the angry faces of the old monkeys attacking her. After a couple of tries she gives up on the idea. Now replacing one of the old ones with a new one again. She too wants to get a banana and gets punched in the face too. And the first of the new monkeys even does it with enthusiasm. And so gradually replacing the old monkeys we come to the situation that in the cage there will be 5 monkeys, which have not watered at all, but they do not allow each other to get a banana. Do you know why?


Pure truth. A much-talked-about classic experience.



The Talking Putin app has been launched. It is a collage of excerpts from the Prime Minister's speech



Pure truth. A raucous classic experience.


I doubt it, the hunger is stronger. Sooner or later, they'll go for food no matter what.