[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 458


And give away the Kuril Islands!



Who said anything about Russia?

I'm a Japanese resident!))

And give back the Kuril Islands!

Yes, take it.

St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region declare war on Finland and ... immediately surrender to the mercy of the victor with all the territory


Yes, take it.

St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region declare war on Finland and ... urgently surrender to the victor with all its territory

I don't agree. You are squandering this country.
I don't agree. You are squandering the country.

and we'll gather the dissenters in Moscow on Triumphalnaya every 31st.

And by the way, no squandering, squandering means selling.

and here's a 21:00 declaration of war and a 21:01 surrender.


and the dissenters will be gathered in Moscow at Triumphalnaya every 31st.

And by the way, no squandering, squandering means selling.

and here 21:00 is the declaration of war and 21:01 is the surrender.

I'm fine as I am. I don't want to be a Finn. If you don't like it, go to Finland and live there. If you declare war, I'll fight you (I have experience). I won't go to Moscow either, there are too many cars and traffic jams.
I'm fine as I am. I don't want to be a Finn. If you don't like it, go to Finland and live there. And if you declare war, I'll fight you (I have experience). I won't go to Moscow either, there are too many cars and traffic jams.

Your patriotism is interesting, you can fight for the Kurils and you will go to war for Petersburg, but it looks like you're on your own.

Interesting patriotism, you can have the Kurils and you'll go to war for Peter, but it looks like you're on your own.

Why do you think I am ready to give the Kurils to the Japanese? I am definitely against it. I think it's time to demand Alaska back too. And not to fight, but to defend. There's a difference.

You're wrong about loneliness. I hope there are still patriots in this country. The truth is they must be in their 40s. Those who are younger hardly have any patriotism. They just forgot to educate them. There was no time for perestroika and so on.


I think it's time to demand Alaska back, too.

I am also in favour of justice. I propose to first return the invaded part of Finland, which is now part of the Leningrad Oblast. Do you agree? I can give you a map.


I am also in favour of justice. I propose to first return the invaded part of Finland, which is now part of the Leningrad Oblast. Do you agree? I can give you a map.

I propose that Finland should be annexed to the Leningrad Oblast, as it used to be.

Are you from Leningrad oblast, that you want to go to Finland? If so, from where?


I suggest that Finland should be annexed to the Leningrad region, as it used to be.

Are you from Leningrad oblast, why are you so eager to go to Finland? If so, where from?

St. Petersburg, my dacha on the Mannerheim line near Vuoksa, when I was felling wood, a chain on a thick birch got stuck, it turned out to be a bullet from '39, the birch "overgrew" it and left it in the middle