[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 278


What is the impression on the time from 1:47 to 1:58 and from 3:12. Does anyone understand what is being blown into their ears?


"Daughter of Irkutsk election commission head who hit people to death will go to jail in 2024".



"Daughter of Irkutsk election commission head who hit people to death will go to jail in 2024".


This is not humour. It's a sad reality ((

This is not humour. It's a sad reality ((

And we have politics moved into humour, sad as it is, there is less and less difference ((

"Daughter of Irkutsk election commission head who killed people will go to jail in 2024".

No one is going to jail, it's inhumane. In three years' time, there will be parole for the convicted person who conscientiously fulfills the restrictions on her legal capacity imposed by the court. This is perfectly legal and widely practised in necessary cases.

Not even a match ......


Not even ......

Why, did someone come up? The munchkin cattle kept walking, stopping only to watch from afar.

No one came out of the building either.

This is the norm.



In such situations, the direct participants of the accident are shocked, it is less right to accuse them than the people around. Although, of course, you should.

Legislation does not punish failure to assist either. Alas. There is an article, there is no practice.


All my life I remember bragging about my kindness and spirituality. But somehow I see the complete opposite.


4G frequencies will be allocated on a closed basis


Well, then there will be inadequate (high - that's if anyone thought otherwise) prices and abysmal service.

But this is in case the project will be implemented by these budget-pilots at all. Most likely, they will steal it. That is why there is non-transparent distribution "among their own".

The state has completely lost any sense of purpose for its existence. It has degenerated into an organised crime group that works for itself.


All my life I remember bragging about my kindness and spirituality. But somehow I see the complete opposite.

Come on, everyone's different, you're no picnic either.
Ten years on the market, help me find a way out !