[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 764


Here's both, the top view, but like the old b...


Breaking news from the Middle East. After imposing economic sanctions against Iran, in particular restricting oil imports from the country, Iran's president has suspended imports of Western democracy. "If you want to continue getting our oil, you will have to put up with our nuclear programme and Sharia," Ahmadinejad said.
Such a retaliatory measure could succeed, as exporting democracy is a major revenue stream for countries such as the US and Britain.


Breaking news from the Middle East. After imposing economic sanctions against Iran, in particular restricting oil imports from the country, Iran's president has suspended imports of Western democracy. "If you want to continue getting our oil, you will have to put up with our nuclear programme and Sharia," Ahmadinejad said.
Such a retaliatory measure could succeed, as exporting democracy is a major revenue stream for countries such as the US and Britain.

is it Iran's subtle and skillful political bluff that has been fed to the media or is it the start of hostilities? the main thing is that Iran will not be touched.) In america, europe and russia, everyone in charge has peyes, so shalom to everybody))) but since this is a humor thread, it is actually laughter through tears.



a lady's leg lover's dream


!!!!!! )))))

:))) And people have already added fry :

With sincere sympathy, Peskaya Daria (pesda@bp.com)


A lover's dream of women's legs

Female hunters of the henchmen ))) it's not even a dream, it's doom )))))

Indian mythology https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://www.dopotopa.com/chetyre_mira_v_mifologii_indeytsev_hopi.html

According to Hopi Indian mythology, originally there was only the creator Taiowa, who was in infinite space without time, form or life. He created his assistant Sotuknang and entrusted him with the implementation of his universal plan (Tuwagachi). Sotuknang created nine worlds out of earth, water and air. The first two were for them with the Creator, and the other 7 were for future life.
The next stage of creation was the creation of life and "man" in the First World called Tokpela (Infinite Space). For this purpose ,Sotuknang created the Goddess Kokyangviti, the Spiderwoman. She in turn created two auxiliary deities, the guardians of the biosphere. The first of these, Pogangkhoya, was to watch over the ecological balance. The second, Palongavhoya (Echo), controlled the dense and subtle vibrations of the biosphere. Together they kept the Earth's axis in rotation.
AfterPogangkhoya and Palongavhoya had finished preparing the Earth for life, Spiderwoman created the plants, birds, animals and all other creatures that inhabited the biosphere. Now it was the turn of man. In the image and likeness of Sotuknang, she created four men of different skin colours (yellow, red, white and black), then created their wives .After going through the three phases of Creation, they saw their Creator in the guise of the Sun, who breathed life into them.

trollolo: Female hunters of henchmen )))) it's not even a dream, it's doom )))))
Isn't that a programmer by any chance? There's a block diagram on the wall in the background.
