[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 612

The projection would look like a hedgehog with five needles sticking out in different directions

We are talking to you like a deaf man talking to a blind man.))

Let's go over it again.

What does a section of five-dimensional space look like?


We are talking to you like a deaf man talking to a blind man.))

Let's go over it again.

What does a section of five-dimensional space look like?

I already wrote about the section of five-dimensional three-dimensional space, what it will look like - a vertex of a parallelepiped with three faces. Section of two-dimensional space (plane) is an angle.

How many dimensions do you have to dissect a five-dimensional space with?

Ta-ah-ah, let me ask the question another way....))

Is it possible to dissect any space with one-dimensional space?


Ta-ah-ah, let me ask the question another way....))

Is it possible to dissect any space by a one-dimensional space?

Yes, we can.
Let's go further... There can be a projection but 0-dimensional space, it's a point, there can also be a section of 0-dimensional space. What's the problem?

I have already written about the section of five-dimensional three-dimensional space, what it will be - the top of a parallelepiped with three faces. The section of two-dimensional space (plane) is an angle.

There! Now I understand that you need urgent expert help.

Any section of any n-dimensional space is an n-1 space.

I.e. a section of 5-dimensional space is a 4-dimensional space.

A section of 4-dimensional space is 3-dimensional space, etc.


There! Now I understand that you need urgent expert help.

Any section of any n-dimensional space is an n-1 space.

I.e. a section of 5-dimensional space is a 4-dimensional space.

A section of 4-dimensional space is 3-dimensional space, etc.

You don't say! Well, congratulations! In what canon is it written? Take a loaf of bread, you can cut it with a knife and get a two-dimensional section (of a three-dimensional loaf), you can pierce it with a spoke and get a 1-dimensional section (of a three-dimensional loaf (n-2)).
Come on now, you humorists...

Oh, these Commies are a pain in the arse... :-))) Nice guy... +158%- at the end of the page...