[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 562


This is what you can make out of a hoover brush!

By the way! Is vacuuming not part of the function, by any chance?

I haven't tried it, but I don't think it does.
I haven't tried it, but I don't think it will go in.
What won't fit, the hose? The pipe (on which the wrist rests) seems to be present...
What won't fit, the hose? The pipe (on which the wrist rests) seems to be present...
That's another topic. It's like a policeman and a whistle.
Three men are sitting in a boat, fishing. It's nighttime, it's starting to get light.
One says: "The sun is rising!
The second one says: "I haven't seen such a beautiful sunrise in a long time!
The third kicks the first two out of the boat.
The men come up. What for?
- The first for the off-topic, the second for the flooding.
- Are you out of your fucking mind?!
Man pulls out his paddle and smacks them both over the head.
О! That's close. Here's more (from Bashorg).

<ico> hear you
<ico> unban me
<ico> please


The styling of the new Russian police car.
The word 'POLICE' is inscribed on the muzzle, naturally reversed for the rear-view mirror, like 'ambulance' for an ambulance.
It turns out to be a JAZZYLOP!





It turns out to be a YACILOP!

AND "MILITARY"? :-))))

Pain is the body's natural response to the investigator's simple questions.


Looking for a girl who likes to clean fish and knows how to dig worms, put them on a hook, with her motorboat. A photo of the boat is a must!!!


If you want to find out what
the real "in my mouth
my feet, take a walk
in a second-class carriage
at night in the dark.
