[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 490


Sverdlovsk governor presents a TV set to a blind Paralympian



I liked the one about the fox and the cat.
I liked the story about fox and cat.

I was driving in Latvia on a road in a field. A fox slowly crossed the road in front of me. It crossed the road and stood up. And I stood up. She looks at me with a look - "I know everyone here, you're not from around here."

Camera in suitcase, suitcase in boot. I switched off the engine, got out slowly, went to the luggage compartment, opened it, found the camera in the suitcase and started filming the fox.

I have had enough of these tourists", she slowly turned away and left. Probably should have given him something to eat.

The first time we travelled together as a family to Latvia. My mother-in-law (she is from there) was chattering that as soon as we crossed the border, I would see many storks.

I told a joke, about citizenship of storks and the border that is not crossed at any altitude.

As soon as we crossed the border I saw lots of storks and my mother-in-law kept silent in a defiant manner. I had never seen so many storks.



...I've never seen so many storks anywhere else.

In Soviet times, I was sent to a collective farm as a harvester's helper for the whole harvesting season. I had no idea there was so much wildlife in the woods, groves and just in the fields. White and black storks, moose, wolves (in daytime!), foxes, some deer as tall as a goat. And bunnies in front of harvester, quail and partridges jump out in flocks from under reel. And golden eagles, hawks are flying in the sky and diving on the gaping birds. The sight was fantastic.

There's a lot on this subject by the St. Petersburg writer, former submariner Alexander Pokrovsky. I have everything on paper, but you can probably find everything on the Internet. In memory - "The ship of sediment", "Firing squad" and another 10 books.

I did, I read Pokrovsky :) I think everyone who served in the Navy and has stars on his shoulder straps has read it :)

How else? He's fat, he can't fit through the hatch.

My godfather had been a cook on a submarine for five years. When I told him how a submarine is built, he was speechless. That sailor didn't even know the ins and outs of being a submarine cook. :))) You should have seen his face :)))) How he managed to avoid the standard navy swear words, I still wonder :)))))))
In Soviet times I was sent to a collective farm as a harvester's helper for the whole harvest. I had no idea there were so many animals in the woods, groves and fields. White and black storks, moose, wolves (in daytime!), foxes, some deer as tall as a goat. And bunnies in front of harvester, quail and partridges jump out in flocks from under reel. And golden eagles, hawks are flying in the sky and diving on the gaping birds. The sight was fantastic.

That was then and this is almost now. When I was a child, I used to pick raspberries with my grandmother in the forest (Novgorod region). Well she gathered and I ate what I gathered. Raspberries in the clearing. Slowly moving.

Grandma says, "Now let's move back.


- There's a bear.

There really is a bear, about 50 meters away.

I can't believe it.


It's not fishing, it's not even a food supply.

It's the flood after us.

When it's a long winter, villagers make ice-holes to increase the oxygen level in the water. The fish gradually gather around such windows. It used to be like that. Now it's probably just fishing.
