[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 470

As it were... Do you know a country that was dominated by the ideas of humanism until the middle of the last century? Look at the self-propelled map, look at cultural Europe, how many times were borders redrawn there? And all on blood. Not to mention "peacetime". We all seem to be up to our necks in this...

In general, this is the territory we hold because we tried to negotiate first.

And when we did, we dealt with it on an equal footing.

So there is no need to compare it with Europe.

In Europe, there were massacres all along the way for settlements like Villaribo and Villabaggio.

Not to mention "Huguenot weddings" and other Bartholomew nights.

And today Europe teaches us humanity and democracy.


That's understandable, times were like that ... etc. although one could ask Comrade Axelrod " ... but why were you the best pupil? "(c) Schwartz.


That's understandable, times were like that ... etc. although one could ask Comrade Axelrod " ... but why were you the best pupil? "Schwartz.

To illustrate with an example from a feature film -- read the contents of the director's sick head -- that's five.

Sorry, Mishek, nothing personal, but that smells pretty bad.

And looks.

P.S. As much as I have encountered liberal anti-Sovietists, every single one of them is either an ardent Russophobe or a lifelong scoundrel.

Illustrated by an example from a feature film -- read the contents of the director's sick head -- that's five.

you're getting finicky.)

well . our time . Staff member of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Adviser to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy.

will this one do?


you're picky.)

well . our time . Staff member of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Adviser to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy.

will this one do?

Who's going? Where? Why?
What is the film?
What's the movie?

"Chekist. That's some perestroika shit.

Certain audiences swallowed it whole back then.

Just like they do now.


An official of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Adviser to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy-OlegMatveichev

"The government is the shepherds
"and the cattle are the cattle that the shepherds herd.
Then there are dogs
there are wolves
Good or bad, power is a different category than cattle that cries and thinks they can survive a day without herdsmen.
Take away the power and the whole country will be ruined
as has happened more than once in history
The sheep can't be left alone
and the wolves of the left will butcher them all
and trample themselves."

"You know what my dream is?
That one day you'll all gather on the big Maidan.
All you loudmouths, netizens, anti-corruption crusaders, people power brokers, jealous crooks who count money in other people's pockets, manipulated suckers and losers of all stripes who blame everyone else but yourselves.
gathered with all your banners
with foam at their mouths and bureaucrats shouting at street lamps!!! No to corruption! Power to the people!
Everyone must come together!
Not a single bitch stays at home!
The main thing is that everyone gets out!
Too bad we don't have a square like this in
It was good in China!
Tiananmen can hold 1 million people.

and when you all got out.
a tank army would come out and all the scum of the nation would be rolled onto the caterpillars
And then they'd burn everything with hot iron.
and then, like after Tiananmen in China, we'd have had economic growth of 10 percent a year for 20-30 years

and then, in 20-30 years, we would repeat the whole procedure again because a new generation of Maidan losers, suckers and crooks would appear.


I do not know another such country.

It is not even clear where to correct, in what part of the native and beloved organism


That's understandable, times were like that ... etc. although one could ask Comrade Axelrod " ... but why were you the best pupil? "Schwartz.

And add here the torture of the Inquisition, it is necessary to complete the bouquet, but somehow all the power of the Soviets, if you look well, the toilet is not defecating in gold too.

ZS: Nothing personal, just a forum for programmers, not the power-hungry.

What is the film?

Chekist by Alexander Rogozhkin, based on Vladimir Zazubrin's novel Shchepka (1923)