[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 464


"Dr. Bernanke unfortunately does not understand economics, he does not understand currencies, he does not understand finance. All he understands is printing money."
"His whole intellectual career has been based on the study of printing money. Give the guy a printing press, he's going to run it as fast as he can."
Jim Rogers




"Dr. Bernanke unfortunately does not understand economics, he does not understand currencies, he does not understand finance. All he understands is printing money."
"His whole intellectual career has been based on the study of printing money. Give the guy a printing press, he's going to run it as fast as he can."
Jim Rogers

the current value of money is not important. The main thing is that the majority must have it (money) in sufficient quantity, and only the minority in excess.

Otherwise their value will be unknown... (c) Helicopter






Happy 7th of November!




Gryzlov and Petrik are already "fed up" with their clean water.

It seems Putin does not 'let Gryzlov &so' anywhere near the oil industry. So the poor guy has to come up with all kinds of bullshit. Why? The more delusional the idea, the better the chances of getting funding to rip it up.

Soon we will pay them a percentage of every sip of water drank from the water supply system.

(By analogy with the "shaggy bumblebee" union's copyright tax...)

"The crooks don't sleep..."

