[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 419


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"'This incident took place in Canada in the winter outside a roadside coffee shop for motorists. An older car pulls up to the window and a woman who has been stopping here for years orders her usual coffee. As the pleasantries are exchanged with the vendor, she notices a car pulling into the queue. In a good mood, the woman wants to do something nice and declares to the vendor that she will pay for the coffee for the next car. The salesman shrugs his shoulders and thinks that these people know each other. The woman leaves.

The next day, the woman pulls up to the coffee shop window as usual. "You know, I think there was a mistake yesterday. The guy you paid for doesn't know you," says the salesman. The woman, a little embarrassed, explains that this should be the case. Then the sales assistant tells her what happened yesterday: "I told the guy you paid for his coffee. Then he wanted to pay for the next car. I explained the same thing to the driver of the next car and he did the same. This happened 21 times. I am amazed!". 21 cars, 21 coffees and 21 pleasantly surprised people. This kindness is contagious. If you are surprised by a good deed, you also try to do something for others, whether they know you or not. And if you manage to be the root cause or just a link in the chain of kindness, the world, if only for a little while, becomes a better place.""


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I'm tired of counting, how many reps is she doing? She must be working on her relief...
I'm getting tired of counting, how many reps is she doing?

there's a while {} loop without a break