[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 366


No... not France.... Germany 100%.

And Bulgarian wines, in terms of price and quality, are much better than any others IMHO

Bulgarian trademarks - zlaten slope - frakija, etc.

Oops, I'm afraid I'll have you removed for advertising, but by the way it's a bit of an acquired taste.....

From Wikipedia:


Weil Liebfrauenmilch in den 1980er Jahren zu einem preiswerten Supermarktwein wurde, hat der bis dahin gute Ruf des deutschen Weißweins sehr gelitten. So findet sich Liebfrauenmilch, abgefüllt in Großflaschen oder Getränkekartons, beispielsweise in vielen britischen und russischen Supermärkten.

An approximate translation:

In the 1980s, Liebfrauenmilch became a cheap wine from the supermarket, because of which the previously good reputation of German wine suffered a lot. Liebrauenmilch, bottled in large bottles and beverage cartons, can be found in many British and Russian supermarkets as an example.

Actually, you should drink what you like. The rest is snobbery :)


Recommended to everyone.... and preferably in a cinema


beautiful, thank you!


A picture book.

These books allow one to REALLY understand the world, connected in one ENERGY from the Universe to the Atom.

The first book has Chapter 9 on William Gunn and his follower Bradley Cohen .

(Cohen is a nugget in trading, decades ahead of everyone else).

http://via-midgard.info/news/in_midgard/3432-stiven-mark-yelektrichestvo-iz-vozduxa.html - electricity out of thin air


bad luck... you know...


bad luck... you know...

))))) may not be gentlemanly... but very funny:)))))

P.S. Apparently, the second one, the first one, will take it with it...


bad luck... you know...

there, 404, http://www.libo.ru/error404.html

Translation difficulties
Proverbs in a new way

The dualistic principle of agricultural implements on the hydro-surface"
("The binary nature of the utterances of a socially inactive individual)

"The binary nature of the utterances of an individual who has lost his social engagement"
(Grandma said two words)

"Problems of transporting liquids in vessels of variable density structure"
(Carrying water in a sieve)

"Optimisation of the dynamics of a draught vehicle associated with the elimination of an inherently destructive transport unit"

(A woman with a cart
a mare more easily)

"Weakly expressed relevance of the use of keyboard instruments among the clergy".

(What's the use of the harmonica for?)

"Unconventional methods of treating scoliosis through ritual services"
(the hump will heal the hump)

"Problems of enhancing the fine dispersion of hydrogen dioxide mechanically"

(pounding water in a hatchet)

"Positive effects of low IQ on increasing the task set in the course of work activities"

(work loves fools)

"Solipsism of poultry in relation to non-ruminant mammals of the cloven-hoofed order"

(the goose is no friend of the pig)

"Characteristic outward appearance as a reason to usurp the most favourable social status in the marketplace"

(pig's snout is no match for swine)

"The anthropomorphic approach to creating a marriage unit"

(the mare is a mare's bride)

"The syndrome of refusing legitimization, which relies on the lack of rapid identification of the individual.

(I am not me and the horse is not mine)

"The effect of seasonal and weather conditions on the process of accounting for birds"
(chickens are counted in the autumn)

"The ambivalent nature of neural impulses emitted by the cerebral cortex"

(both want and need)

"Relationship between the length of horny epidermis and the amount of grey matter in the cranium"

(hair is long but the mind is short)

"A type of legal act prevailing over currency"
(an agreement is more valuable than money)

"Inadmissibility of standard elements of residential architecture while denying the culminating manifestation of contemplative-tactile emotion"
(love is not a potato, it cannot be thrown out of a window)

"Neutrality of taste characteristics of plants of cruciferous family in relation to vegetable crops of the middle belt of Russia"

(as a horseradish is a horseradish)

"Antithetical properties of mentally incompetent subjects in the context of fulfilling state regulations".

(fools don't follow the law)

"Lack of progress-regress in metabolism when changing the ratio of fats and carbohydrates in a traditional dish of sedentary peoples".

(you can't spoil porridge with butter)

"The place of insectivores in hierarchical systems of pyramidal type"

(every cricket knows its own stem)

"The regularity of the increase in the subject's personal value after a traumatic experience"

(One man is one man, two men are one man, two men are two men)


...the second one, the first one, drags along with it...

... ...will definitely drag... Flying in and out of dreams...

bad luck... you know...

That's hilarious. Where's the sequel?

If there's no sequel, there's a suspicion that the photographer flew off after the second one