[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 337


What are you suggesting? Out of respect for you to admit obvious stupidity? Admit that muzzles are useless and shouldn't be in the army? Very funny.

What are you suggesting? Out of respect for you to admit obvious stupidity? Admit that muzzles are useless and shouldn't be in the army? Very funny.

No, let's get past it, why provoke it out of nothing.
I look at you from the outside and see that you are saying virtually the same thing. IMHO, there is no point in arguing.

The toilet is broken - I decided to replace it myself, so I started looking on the web for instructions. opinions and stuff. I came across a blog and almost... of questions and answers:

  1. Alex writes:
    24 Aug 2010 at 18:44

    Was visiting an acquaintance in "his house", he lamented that he had already replaced the second toilet bowl, and the problem is the same. When flushing the water, very often the "G" remains in the water and floats away only after the second or third flush. I don't see any obvious reason. A third time a defective toilet bowl comes in is unlikely. What do you need to pay attention to?

  2. kot1982 writes:
    25 Aug 2010 at 17:28

    Imported low-flush toilets are not designed for the product produced by the stomachs of Russian citizens...
    Pay attention to the intensity of the barrel flush. Before you buy a toilet, ask the salesman if the flush is not too weak.

I look at you from the outside and see that you are saying virtually the same thing. IMHO, there is no point in arguing.

Guys, you should make up:


)) Demoforex, demoparliament, demorakts, demoCalinesport, demopension, ...

Come on, you...

It's been there before: "non-alcoholic beer, rubber woman, demo account... What else do you need to face old age?"(c) // yours truly )))


Do you want to develop a demo theme? )))))))


Come on, you...

There was already: "non-alcoholic beer, rubber woman, demo account... What else do you need to face old age?" (c) // yours truly )))


Do you want to develop a demo theme? )))))))



Why do the funniest questions to Google start with the word "why"?


It's horrible. It's a bloodbath, all over the monitor.
