[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 340



I don't believe it. This is Peter, the Griboyedov Canal and the footage is not from this year or last year by the way.

The average level of knowledge in Peter, higher than in this video


Saw it on another forum... Dedicated to the Euro bulls....


I don't believe it. This is Peter, the Griboyedov Canal and the footage is not from this year or last year by the way.

The average level of knowledge in Peter, higher than in this video

It's from 2007.
During training at the dog school, a sausage was placed in front of each dog and he was made to wait for the command to eat it. The dog that was able to hold on the longest was rewarded.
The winner was the Labrador who went round the whole row, ate all the sausages, then returned to his seat and waited patiently to be told to eat his own.
- What will you have?
- Same as you.
- Great. Waiter, two bottles of vodka!
- Oh, two vodkas for me, then!

Filmed, chose stupider respondents. they edited it.

p.s. It's not like the US secret service did it ;)