[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 306


The Global Economy

A famous liberal economist was invited to give a lecture on the globalisation of the world economy to a working class audience.

- What is the easiest way for you to explain this process? - The lecturer began thoughtfully. - Imagine that our country produces clay whistles, which are delivered to Mongolia for local shepherds. Shepherds breed sheep, and their skins are delivered to...

- Us? - A voice came from the floor.

- No. That's the point of globalization, that Mongolians deliver these skins to Greece, where they are dressed accordingly, they get excellent furs and deliver them to...

- Us? - a voice came from the floor.

- No. They supply the skins to France, where the best fashion designers in Paris make magnificent fur coats from them and supply them to...

- Us? - there's a voice from my seat.

- "Why are you all 'us' and 'us'," said the liberal, angrily. - You do not have a global mindset. The fur coats are shipped to the US and sold in New York shops.

- And us?

- And we are supplied with clay from Bulgaria, from which we make whistles for Mongolian shepherds.
A stock analyst and a broker bump into each other at the lift.
Broker snidely: "Are you going to tell me now whether it's up or down?

Watching the Lada-Kalina run with Putin at the wheel reminded me of a joke:

- What needs to change so that Russian cars meet world standards?

- World standards.