[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 283


Rock Classics

Nazareth _ Hair of the Dog

Nazareth - " Animals "


It's just that when the healthy tissue started, the dog realised he'd had enough ))))

Mischek 22.08.2010 00:53
" ... the latest technological complex ..."


Well, it all makes sense. For a good kickback, they bought unwanted "junk" for a lot of money.

You don't have to make it up. There are fixed assets on the balance sheet. No one is going to write them off and renew them on a weekly basis, just because some fool called it junk. If it is a technical complex, replacing components all the time is creating new problems every day.

Did Gref make any sensible point? No, he just has everything new all the time, he's used to it and to him all the suckers who use a laptop older than six months since the release of the model.


I wonder if you've got anything in the works from, say, two years ago? I don't know, a TV or a fan? Did you buy some junk for a lot of money?

And how often do you change the beeches?


I want to go on...

A personal trader drained his beloved client's entire deposit and saved his inevitable financial ruin if he - the client - had continued to play the market.

did anyone see what he called "junk"?

Don't make it up. There are fixed assets on the balance sheet. Nobody is going to write them off and renew them every week just because some fool called it junk. If it is a technical complex, replacing components all the time is creating new problems every day.

Did Gref make any sensible point? No, he just has everything new all the time, he's used to it and to him everyone is a sucker who uses a laptop older than six months since the model was released.

...... .....

And how often do you change beacons?

You don't have to think of anything. You just have to look around you carefully.

Just for example about the "cf----" governor:

"For example, the fact that Turchak's family firm Multilight received a contract from the Turchak administration to build a fence worth 0.5 million roubles was made public, and this fence was 'built' and immediately 'demolished'..."

http://www.compromat.info/page_29655.htm is a typical example.

I assume that most visitors, having viewed this clip of Greft, have drawn the same conclusion as I have.

Of course, some, like you, - think otherwise. But then again. I think that such people are in the minority.

All the more so, - that it was "the newest..." that was proclaimed in the video.

did anyone see what he called "junk"?
Alternatively, it was about the film crew's equipment, and you're exposing corruption...)
Alternatively, they were talking about the film crew's equipment and you're exposing corruption...))
They didn't show what he called junk, maybe there was a loose chair or something else, there are many options

Yeah, that's about what I was thinking a couple of weeks ago when I was breathing smog. It doesn't take much to exceed many times the dose of CO and carbon dioxide emitted by human activity - just a few hundred hectares of burning forest nearby. There have been worse times on Earth - such as the mass extinctions of the Triassic 200 million years ago.

But it takes one good, high-quality solar flare to wipe out an entire electronic civilisation, of which there must have been quite a few in the history of the Earth. And there was about one somewhere in the 19th century. But then there were no transformers or modern semiconductor electronics.

So, do we continue to believe that mankind has messed up the Earth badly?


I respect the kid :) 5 Year old Drummer

