[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 271

How is it possible to read nonsense in such quantities... It's not funny or educational.

Yeah. Like this:

Human functions are reduced to take information from the previous generation of people, distort it by their own random guesses and pass the distorted information to the next generation. Chaotic fluctuations in the movement of thought of a reasonable society are necessary, so that after the historical elimination the zigzags of thought movement are necessarily found, corresponding to the zigzags of changes in the objective picture of existence. The latter has an unpredictable direction, whereas the spectrum of thought of any individual throughout his life maintains a constant orientation.

This passage, imho, as well as many others, suggests the thought, that all this writing is a work of man, widely, but petty educated. At the same time, apparently, quite ambitious. Like, I'll write them here and see how these bastards make a fuss.

And the "fourth appeal" sucks. There's no doubt about it, it's human bullshit.


If you can write more interesting, I'd love to read it:)
And if someone else writes, can you do that? will you read...?)
melhisedek.rar  948 kb

And the "fourth appeal" sucks. There's no doubt about it - it's human nonsense.

Fictionists make it up and write it down, inventors bring it to life:)) It's partly our life.

It's all written by a rather extraordinary person in a biblical style, summarising many facts (maybe even unknown to anyone). It's more interesting than an accident report:)))



Oh, man.

Лев Толстой очень любил детей

Александр Блок ходил по проституткам, но так боготворил свою жену, что не притрагивался к ней пальцем. Жена Александра Блока утешалась с Андреем Белым. Андрей Белый устроил интимный триумвират с Валерием Брюсовым и истеричкой по имени Нина Петровская, воспетой в сногсшибательном романе о дьяволе и ведьмах «Огненный ангел» (рекомендую). Валерий Брюсов был приличным человеком, а вот Нина Петровская позже вышла замуж за Соколова-Кречетова, который клал руку на колено юного гимназиста Шершеневича и спрашивал его, потерял ли он уже невинность. Зрелый Шершеневич крутил роман с поэтессой Надеждой Львовой, и она считала, что он ее не любит. Не любил ее и Брюсов, потому что был приличным человеком. Однажды она позвонила им обоим по телефону, прося приехать, они отказались, и она застрелилась из того самого револьвера, из которого за 8 лет до этого Нина Петровская стреляла в Политехническом музее в Брюсова, но пистолет дал осечку. Нина Петровская тоже покончила с собой, в эмиграции.


People knew how to have fun.

What are you going to do, the internet didn't work so well back then...

The situation is either laughable or sinful:

The kid brought in the second Starcrafts.

The whole trade is fucked.

I'm sitting in the middle of the oldies like I used to :)))

Don't know what to do till I finish playing :((((

How to kill this thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just have to finish the game... and all the missions for all the races, or you'll pull it again in a month...

About the Japanese. I wonder how much of this is really true?
