[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 270

It wasn't science that got to us, they came to us on their own foot. ))

You're a joker, brother!!! On foot?

You're a joker, brother!!! On your own foot?
With theirs, why, the first time they sent a message, there was no radio, so they came on foot from there ))
theirs, why, the first time they sent a message, there was no radio communication then, so they came on foot from there ))

Or maybe they sent a fax.

They (?????) now manage to send all traders a BOY command when they need to sell:))


The original watch :-)

ULAD: http://psi-journal.ru/464-trete-i-chetvertoe-obrashhenie-k-chelovechestvu.html

From there:

At present, the vicinity of the Solar System has a dimensionality of +Z,00017... and the proximity of this number to the integer Z has misled you. There is a gravitational cyclone drifting in the vicinity of your galaxy cluster which has dimensionality -Z,15... in its centre and which may edge your Galaxy, destroying organic life on all planets which will not be protected.

It turns out that the entire Solar System is now, like Russia, in a giant blocking anticyclone with a dimension of about pi :)


From there:

It turns out that the whole solar system is now, like Russia, in a giant blocking anticyclone with a dimension of about pi :)

Somewhere around 3.14+3DEZ :)))


But somewhere I read quite another Fourth Message - like this cyclone with negative dimensions was destroyed by the power of psi energy, and now the solar system is not in danger. It's a miracle, isn't it?



But somewhere I read quite another Fourth Message - like this cyclone with negative dimensions was destroyed by the power of psi energy, and now the solar system is not in danger. It's a miracle, isn't it?

Also, Boromir is alive again in Tolkien's fourth (unwritten) part.

ULAD: http://psi-journal.ru/464-trete-i-chetvertoe-obrashhenie-k-chelovechestvu.html

How is it possible to read nonsense in such quantities... It's neither funny nor educational.
How is it possible to read nonsense in such quantities... It's neither funny nor informative.

If you can write something more interesting, I'd love to read it:)