[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 55


Well, then, combatant, in general... the forum should be shut down. By their logic... What's the point? The whole Internet. You have no right to write letters if you don't get paid for it. And whoever reads you, combatant, is a pirate.

kombat >>:

"Безумству храбрых поём мы славу..."


В пиндостане очередное весеннее обострение

(как они считают своей значимости, но мы то знаем какой именно ;)))

Usually people hear someone say "pindostan" and start saying "pindostan" too. And your children will probably already be saying "pindostan". And your grandchildren will be saying "pindostan". So you can change your last name beforehand :)


In some third countries including russia it is mandatory by law and executive level for government institutions to use only free software. Competition from commercial software is forbidden.

This is caused by poverty - money is scarce, theft - abuses in procurement, the lack of an industry for software development - commercial software, even if available, is uncompetitive.

What has this led to? That I, as a business software producer, am not allowed on this market. I have been kicked out of this market. I will not supply my software for free, I can't protect my rights by opening my code, I have no right to deliver my product to the government, the government agencies have no right to use my software, even if we somehow agree. (In our country 70% of the economy is governmentalized.)

There is no market, no development, no innovation, no Russian software in this sphere. Medvedev maims with one hand and cries with the other.

It was people like you who did this. You simply cannot accept that a person lives and works next to you without stealing or paying bribes. He tries to earn his living by intellectual work and does not work in government agencies and bodies and not in organizations such as SOEs, JSCs with the participation of the bureaucrats.

gip >>:

Обычно люди от кого-то услышат "пиндостан" и тоже начинают говорить "пиндостан". И дети твои тоже наверное уже говорят "пиндостан". И внуки твои будут говорить "пиндостан". Так что можешь заблаговременно уже фамилию менять :)


В некоторых третьих странах, в том числе и в россии, на исполнителном и законодательном уровне предписано в госорганах использовать только бесплатное ПО. Конкуренция со стороны коммерческого ПО под запретом.

Вызвано это нищетой - денег мало, воровством - злоупотребления при заупках, отсутствием своей отрасли разработки ПО - собственное коммерческое ПО даже и если есть, неконкурентно.

К чему это привело? К тому, что я, как производитель ПО делового назначения, на этот рынок не допущен. Меня выкинули с этого рынка. Я не буду поставлять свой софт бесплатно, я не могу защитить свои права открыв код, я не имею права поставлять свои продукт в госорганы, госорганы не имеют права использовать мой софт, даже если мы как-то договоримся. (В нашей стране 70% экономики огосударствлена.)

Нету рынка, нету разработок, инноваций, нету российского ПО в этой сфере. Медведев одной рукой калечит, другой плачет.

Это сделали такие люди как ты. Вы просто не можете смириться, что рядом с вами живет и работает человек, не воруя и не платя взятки. Пытается заработать интеллектуальным трудом и работает не в правительственных структурах и государственных органах и не в организациях типа ГП, АО с участием чинуш.

Of course, it's all Kombat's fault

Let's punish Combat and we'll be happy.

There's no more logic to it than yours.

You have a simple subjective exaggeration, perhaps justified.


Any producer of anything in the world has the right to set his own price (with a few exceptions such as anti-monopoly, etc.)

That's the basis of the market.

This is a ridiculous attempt to fight the thermometer and not the cause of the disease.

Mischek >>:

There is some truth in every truth.

And the original document was in defence of competition and of the group of people to which I belong. And Kombat is on the other side of the barricades.

gip >>:

Обычно люди от кого-то услышат "пиндостан" и тоже начинают говорить "пиндостан". И дети твои тоже наверное уже говорят "пиндостан". И внуки твои будут говорить "пиндостан". Так что можешь заблаговременно уже фамилию менять :)

It's easier to call things by their proper names...

The US is a country without a national definition.

That way, at least latently it will be acquired...


Regarding the question of "free stuff", I'll put it this way:

I am ready to buy and I buy by the way everything I need.

I don't even have the moral right to buy OS for computer.

For in its "naked" form it should be a free accessory.

And moreover I don't consider it correct to forbid the free usage of the previous paid versions.

Well at most pre-previous, e.g. XP for personal, home computer...

*free version where everything is taken away! and only the essentials, the essentials are left!

And with frills like rotating desktops, gadgets and bouncy icons, let them sell it, no problem.

The point of all this is this: computer and operating system are inseparable things, like a car and an engine

So it's hard to accuse me of freebies....


kombat >>:

Ибо в "голом" виде она должна быть бесплатным прилагаемым...*

Actually, nobody owes you anything in this respect. You are the one who thinks someone owes you something for free. All thieves do this, justifying their actions under all sorts of pretexts.
gip >>:

Вообще-то тебе никто ничего в этом плане не должен. Ты сам посчитал, что кто-то тебе что-то должен бесплатно. Все воры так делают, оправдывают свои действия под самыми разными предлогами.

Your position is clear...

Can you justify its logic?

To understand:

Explain the need for a separate purchase of a car engine

And at a price roughly equal to its value.

(Well, except that the car won't drive without it... ;)))

Also, "naked and free" can make money on paid support.

Which is more reasoned than buying an extra one at an inflated price...

gip >>:

Вообще-то тебе никто ничего в этом плане не должен. Ты сам посчитал, что кто-то тебе что-то должен бесплатно. Все воры так делают, оправдывают свои действия под самыми разными предлогами.

It's not a question of stealing, you understand. By IIPA logic - for example the Linux operating system is outlawed? And any software put out by developers must be paid? That is, we can safely close Codebase section here on the site.

come on....

They think everyone should now pay for the Googla search engine? Pay money to the php developers?

FULL of nonsense.

In an information society, the first priority is not the one who is cooler, because everyone is cooler and has enough knowledge to create a complete analogy in development. But the one who has the best service.

Will half of free projects be shut down now? Those who think to turn back time and push back the development of information society are deeply mistaken.

gip писал(а) >>

Actually nobody owes you anything in this regard. You yourself thought that someone owes you something for free. All thieves do that, they justify their actions under all sorts of pretexts.

It is up to the author of the software to decide whether to distribute it for free. As long as the free software is competitive with the paid software, there should be an incentive for "paid authors" to create better software, and if it is not competitive then "paid authors" have nothing to worry about. I'm not talking about stealing, that's another issue.