[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 44


Sometimes you read newspapers, magazines, watch TV and the Internet and often you come across the idea that those

who write it, don't care: kilowatts, meters, cubic meters, litres.

that it makes your hair stand on end.





Only the father can educate, not society or the priests or even the mother.

for one simple reason - the Father's Word Nutrition

bank писал(а) >>

Education can only be done by the father and not by society or the priests or even the mother.

for one simple reason - the Father's Word

And if there is no father?

Richie >>:

А если нет отца?

it means there is no full energy and information feed
bank >>:

kombat Svinozavr воспитанием может заниматься только отец а не общество или попЫ и даже не мать

по одной простой причине - Вѣдающим Отеческим Словом Питание

Comrade, where did I say that a priest should?

(though a clergyman would be more correct).

Anyone with common sense can preach the truth.

I agree, and unequivocally so, that the primary educator is the family. And only the family.

When children come out of the family, they encounter something from which their father or mother warned them a moment ago.

But it's the same at home...

You can't forbid them to watch TV because it's like mud that "suddenly" spills out from under the wheels.

Okay, well...

This is not the place to talk about it.

Let's wrap it up...!


Lu: On the eve of elections, politicians start to love the motherland so intensely that it looks like gang rape


kombat >>:

Товарищ, а где я сказал что должен поп???

The pig-saurus of religion mentioned

and the media is controlled by people of biblical nationality, they have hermaphroditic genetics in recessive form, they need to reshape society to their format


Stop being tolerant. everyone should say what they think, otherwise this hidden biological subversion will disfigure our descendants.


There you go, scold and be corrected :)

Richie >>:

Ну вот, поругашь и исправят :)

Rich, you shouldn't be complacent.

Have them correct the headline and remove the "about", what's with the 8,000 cc additions

Looking forward to the developments


The bottom line is this: about 0.0004 cubic kilometre of snow (not even water) was removed in a day. And more was accumulated. If we consider that the area of Moscow is about 900 square kilometres, and about a metre of snow fell during the winter, then it turns out that there is about 0.9 cubic kilometres of snow on the ground.