[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 30


Quote from the "corr" forum:

"As an acquaintance of mine who attended a dissertation on probability theory (in which he didn't know a damn thing) would say: 'Basically, it all makes sense'."


AlexEro >>:

Кабмин Украины утвердил транслитерацию украинских букв латиницей


Well, in principle I understand your diagnosis, but just for the sake of interest: what didn't you like? What transliteration would you suggest?

Richie >>:

Не надо изобретать мопед: American Standard Code for Information Interchange - ASCII

What does a character encoding system have to do with transliteration? Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

ortv >>:

ну, в принципе, ваш диагноз мне понятен. но, исключительно, ради интереса: что не понравилось? какую транслитерацию предложили бы вы?

Yulia? Tymoshenko?

Is that you?

What, Yulia, are you doing on a trader's forum?




Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The International Standard ISO 9 defines a system of transliteration of the Cyrillic alphabets of Slavic and non-Slavic languages by means of the Latin alphabet.

The main advantage of ISO 9 over other similar systems is its absolute unambiguity; one letter or a combination of letters with different diacritical marks corresponds to each letter. This allows for precise rendering of the Cyrillic original and backward transliteration even when the language is unrecognized.

Early versions of ISO/R 9:1954, ISO/R 9:1968 and ISO 9:1986 were originally based on the international system for education in linguistics (scientific transliteration), but differed in their use of one-sided transliteration in favour of phonetic representation.

In the following countries:

The directly applicablestandard is GOST 7.79-2000, which is an authentic text of ISO 9:1995 "Information and documentation. Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters. Slavic and non-Slavic languages".

The standard applies to the rules of transliteration of individual letters, words, expressions and also of related texts in languages whose writing is based on the Cyrillic alphabet by means of the Latin alphabet. The rules according to this standard are to be applied wherever unambiguous representation of the Cyrillic text in Latin characters and possibility of algorithmic restoration of the text in the original Cyrillic alphabet is needed, in particular in case of transmission of documents via computer networks.


Open a thread on literature, continuity of time, etc.

It's humor.

Your literalism will be followed by the electors, then the chauvinists ... they'll kill an innocent thread.

Mischek >>:

Ну откройте Вы ветку с литерацией, с непрерывностью времени и тд

Тут юмор

Ща за Вашей литерацией выборщики подтянутся, за ними шовинисты ...грохнут невинную ветку

We have to save the situation...


OP RF will request the Prosecutor's Office to evaluate the actions of bailiffs at Rechnik


I think they forgot to put the letter G after OP...

AlexEro >>:

Юля? Тимошенко?

Это ты?

Что, Юлечка, ты делаешь на трейдерском форуме?



Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.

DSM IV-TR criteria

According to the DSM, a diagnosis of schizophrenia implies

  • (A) Characteristic symptoms: Two or more of the following, each present for most of a month (or less if treatment has interrupted the symptoms)[5]
    • delusions
    • hallucinations
    • Disorganized speech (e.g., frequent slips or incoherence; abstract content of speech). See thought disorders.
    • Severely disorganised (e.g. inappropriate clothing choices, frequent crying) or catatonic behaviour
    • Negative symptoms, including flat affect (no or diminished intensity of emotional reactions), alogia (silence or impoverished speech) or avolition (diminished or absent motivation).
Note: If delusions are thought to be fantastic, or if hallucinations present as one voice commenting on the patient's current activities or two or more voices talking to each other, the presence of only one of these symptoms from all of the above is sufficient. The criterion of speech disorganisation is only sufficient when it radically disrupts communication with the patient.