HOW to get a programmer 100% interested in writing an EA based on your IDEA - page 8

vaa20003 wrote (a):
One time there was a decent customer - he just knew what he wanted and explained how it should work. And the rest - it's about "red button ..." :)
However ridiculous it may seem to programmers, but surely the customers also have a dream about an ideal programmer. He or she would not need to explain anything, so that he or she would know what the customer wants. That he would have intuition and would not ask for money. Like, I write C++ for food.

Well, there are a lot of psychics and telepaths :-)

And then a double question: if a developer already knows everything on the proposed problem (and at the end of development is even better to understand the essence of the question than the programmer himself), then why do we need this same programmer? By experience, as long as I've not done big projects myself I've always had to find special literature and independently study the question posed, since the project manager can rarely give a coherent answer to direct questions (since he doesn't know) and gets confused all the time.

And another skinny question: why a developer MUST know ALL aspects of a company (to enable process automation) and get less money than people working in specialised departments responsible only for a narrow part?

vaa20003 wrote (a):
One time there was a decent customer - he just knew what he wanted and explained how it should work. The rest are about the "red button..." :)
However ridiculous it may seem to programmers, but for sure customers also have a dream about an ideal programmer. That they wouldn't have to explain anything, that they would know himself what the customer needs. That he would have intuition and would not ask for money. Like, I write C++ for food.

Well, there are a lot of psychics and telepaths here :-)

And then a counter question: if the developer already knows everything about the intended task (and at the end of development is even better to understand the essence of the question than the programmer himself), then why do we need this same programmer? By experience, as long as I've not done big projects myself I've always had to find special literature and independently study the question posed, because the programmer can rarely give a coherent answer to direct questions (since he doesn't know) and gets confused all the time.

And another skinny question: why a developer SHOULD know ALL aspects of a company (to enable process automation) and get less money than people working in specialised departments responsible only for a narrow part?

Oh! And this is precisely the problem!
when a programmer works as a telepath and shakes the stager to see how it should be? and then spits it out and sits down to study the technological process
and then the programmer goes to him for advice

at one time I had to learn accounting, so it was easier to use a network and make a report using Form 2
instead of explaining to the lady what buttons to press and why this is how it counts and which balance sheet accounts are involved and why that number appears

and then the question arose... in the end the lady learned Form 2...

i met a good programmer once in my life! the software took two months to write according to standards... it was written in a week
he showed me everything, down to the forms on the screen, in which corner what checkbox should be in which database what field should be and how to fill out
all the directories, you guessed it right. The guy's a programmer - he was just a boss... Basically, I'm just a coder.

I think it's almost impossible to meet a guy like that in the forex business.

A developer should have a good knowledge of technologies, languages, understand what works and how it works, and the domain if not perfect.
but this does not free the developer from thinking... formulate the task, cut out unnecessary things...
and to design well, so that changes-additions can be incorporated into the project easily
of course, the designer must understand how the machine is built and what can and cannot be done
the best designers are still programmers... I think

an accountant once gave me a task!
I asked her about the invoices,
she says we don't have them!
I say, what if?
She says we don't have to open them.
It's no problem for me
No, we don't have to.
--- so you don't have to.

Two months later they were opened, thank God I knew it was possible, I did not use constants but references
but nevertheless I had to change the calculation logic and changed the rules...

but if it had told me right away there would have been no problems
YuraZ: Once I met a good programmer in my life! The software had to take two months to write, and in a week he told me everything down to the screen forms, in which corner which checkbox should be in which database which field should be and how all the directories should be filled in, everyone guessed right - the guy is a programmer - he was just a boss already... I was basically just coding.

Dream... i was luckier than that, i've had three.... in the last ten years ;-) and two of them were from IT (retrained), but how cool it was to work with them !!!!

Moral: If you want to order something great from a coder, it would be highly desirable that you yourself know how to code and, of course, know the limitations of the language. Well, if you're not, then your brilliant idea is doomed, because even if he realizes something, the idea is almost certainly trivial (and you simply can not explain the coder more, because you are not able) - and therefore unprofitable. Well, if he does try to decipher your obscure genides, he will inevitably distort your idea, turning it from brilliantly profitable to mediocrely unprofitable. Now that will be his fault, the coder!

It's funny, it's funny. Almost from the first posts the thread abruptly moved from "HOW to get a programmer 100% interested in writing an EA based on your IDEA" to "I'm a cool coder, and 99% of customers are suckers".
By the way, the main tasks in VBA are double-accounting.))
And on the topic of the thread - I asked my DC about MTS, and... "call the central office, there is a programmer there, recently hired, explain what you need"
By the way, the main tasks in VBA are double-accounting.))
And on the topic of the thread - I asked my DC about MTS, and... "call the central office, there is a programmer there, recently hired, explain what you need"

What's the name of the DC?

Moral: If you want to order something great from a coder, it would be highly desirable that you yourself know how to code and, of course, know the limitations of the language. Well, if you're not, then your brilliant idea is doomed, because even if he realizes something, the idea is almost certainly trivial (and you simply can not explain more to coder, because not able) - and therefore unprofitable. Well, if he does try to decipher your obscure genides, he will inevitably distort your idea, turning it from brilliantly profitable to mediocrely unprofitable. Now it will be his fault, the coder!

Well, if you're going to take the topic out of the thread, you need a controlling example, and what is the controlling example for MTS and EA?))
It's funny, it's funny. Almost from the first posts the thread abruptly moved from " HOW to get a programmer 100% interested in writing an advisor based on your IDEA" to "I'm a cool coder and 99% of customers are suckers".
hmmm... good point... but without the constructive "I'm a cool customer and 99% of programmers are suckers" kind of thing. You say "A", you say "B". Open up the subject. It is the right thing to do - look at the issue from all sides.