How much is needed.... - page 18

+- If +/- one foot, then the prognosis will be like Pikul's "three feet to the right of the sun and three days of walking in the taiga, you won't miss a guard post :-)".

Quite a solvable problem, all mathematically strict: it is a pursuit of a material point in pursuit at a solid angle of three feet,
with boundary conditions of "past the gatehouse" and "three days to go".

P.S. It was Pikul who confused the reader with the term "laptom", but if he had written in an educated way

(You should agree that a +/- one-foot forecast is a very good one, not a laptom.)

Here's my two-minute analysis from the other day... I don't think I even need to explain.
Andy_Kon писал (а):
Just yesterday it was in the news, losses of hedge companies (USA) for 2007 - more than not rubles.

You can say anything in the news as long as it looks sensational. Then it will be remembered by the audience and even quoted in the forums :)

Maybe some particular fund got hit big, but you shouldn't generalize this fact to the whole industry.

The real figures are completely different - last year's hedge fund returns were around 10%, no better and no worse than the last 3 years.

Andy_Kon wrote (a):
It was in the news the other day, losses of hedge companies (USA) for 2007 - more than not rubles.

You can say anything in the news as long as it looks sensational. Then it will be remembered by the audience and even quoted in the forums :)

Maybe some particular fund did make a big loss, but you shouldn't generalize this fact to the whole industry.

The real figures are completely different - last year's hedge fund returns were around 10%, no better and no worse than the last 3 years.

What kind of people...hello dear Olexandr...
Totally agree with you....TV is rubbish (in terms of news, especially financial news)!!!!
+- a lapot, the prognosis will be like in Pikul's "three laps to the right of the sun and three days of walking in the taiga, you won't miss a lodge for sure :-)".

Quite a solvable problem, all mathematically strict: it is a pursuit of a material point in pursuit at a solid angle of three feet,
with boundary conditions of "past the gatehouse" and "three days to go".

P.S. It was Pikul who confused the reader with the term "laptom", but if he had written in an educated way

(A forecast +/- one foot agree a very good forecast, not that laptom measure))))

The aim was to find a lodge in the taiga and I would have got lost for sure :-). Maybe not lost, but with this targeting would certainly not have gotten into the lodge :-)

Why does the news have to go down the drain? It's the law of conservation of energy (or money supply) someone made that money
Here's my two-minute analysis from the other day... I don't think I even need to explain.

I understand that your forecast is that the instrument will go down ?
Yes, also, in my letter to you I have laid out all the truth, which I have learned from practical experience, so if it seemed to you harsh, then excuse me, as they say in Ukraine.
I thought yesterday to write that the euro will fall fast ... but I decided not to, because I did not go in (I do not think it's correct to give such predictions) ... and today I woke up - 100 points have already ploughed on and I'm sitting now mid-term analysis ... Do not go in? Maybe someone has an opinion on this ?
I thought yesterday to write that the euro will fall fast ... but I decided not to, because I did not go in (I do not think it's correct to give such predictions) ... and today I woke up - 100 points have already ploughed on and I'm sitting now mid-term analysis ... Do not go in? I have an opinion on this?
I have an opinion - EUR/USD may as well go up as it may go down. In terms of VTE - the instrument is in a state of complex correction after the completion of the half-year five upwards (passed 2500 points), the second zigzag is formed, now it is at the stage of completion of the wave b and the beginning of the wave c. Wave c is of course momentum(down), but there is no guarantee that wave b has already reached completion. Unless, of course, one is impatient, one might as well take a risk-open downwards.
I take it that your forecast is that the instrument will go down?
Also, in my letter to you I wrote the truth from my practical experience, so if you found it too harsh, sorry, as we say in Ukraine.
Regarding the USDJPY, I don't the angles of attack of the equal time sections I would conclude that the strong fall is over.
The price movement corridor is about 106-108... may fall to 105, but the growth to 110-112 is even more possible.
But this is the opinion of a single person who has no ability to influence the exchange in reality one has to proceed from a detailed assessment of smaller periods.
As for the letter, what can I say, it's up to everyone what to do and how to do it.