TestCommander (autooptimisation) Trader's tool - page 7

assol_7 писал (а) >>

It appears that your mail does not pass the name of your software product. If you did not receive my message from assol_7@ukr.net, maybe you can reply to me via Webmoney. Thanks in advance for the trouble!

I got your letter, already replied.


Dear Igor!

I would like to clarify some details of TestCommander operation.

-Is the optimization of parameters with subsequent selection of the best results performed by analyzing the results of the MT4 Optimization Report or by running each result of the Optimization Report using the StabilityTest macro program with subsequent selection of the best results?

-Is it possible to run all results of "Report on Optimization Results" and then select the best ones based on the results of the forward test using "Multy_DATA" macro program? For example, we have an acceptable result in the "Report on Optimization Results" and check it using "Multy_DATA" macro-program with the new data. If the result is better (by profit, for example) than the previous one, then it is discarded. If such macro program is not implemented, is it possible in principle based on functions to create your own macro programs.

-What does the report called "Complex_2008.09.15_19.30" mean and what is the difference between it and the report called RptOptim_ХХХХХ_GBPUSD_2008.09.15.

assol_7 писал (а) >>

-Is the optimization of parameters with subsequent selection of the best results performed by analyzing the results of the "MT4 Optimization result report" or by running each result of the "Optimization result report" through the "StabilityTest" macro program with subsequent selection of the best results?

First of all, I analyze "MT4 Optimization Report" and then select the best results, and then each of the obtained results is tested by other criteria (Out of period optimization, other timeframes, other symbols)

> Is it possible to simply list in order all results of the "Report on Optimization Results" with the following selection of the best results according to the results obtained during the >forward test using the "Multy_DATA" macro-program? For example, we have an acceptable result in the "Report on Optimization Results", we check it with the help of "Multy_DATA" macro-program for new data, if it is better (by profit, for example) than the previous one, we discard it, if not, we discard it. If such >program is not implemented, is it possible in principle based on functions to create your own macro programs.

This macro program is not implemented in this version (may be in next version), you can implement it yourself using macro functions described in

file "AutoMacroProg.mqh".

>-what does the report called "Complex_2008.09.15_19.30" and the average characteristics in it mean and how does it differ from the report called >RptOptim_ XXXXX_GBPUSD_2008.09.15.

"Complex_2008.09.15_19.30" - Complex macro report

"RptOptim_XXXXX_GBPUSD_2008.09.15" - report created by the tester after optimization

When will the updated version come out. I'm waiting for the update, but I don't buy it because I don't have the macrocrime I need.
Impeller писал (а) >>
When will the updated version come out. I'm waiting for the update, not buying it as I don't have the macrocrime I need.

Not before the end of the month.


Dear Igor!

Work with the program shows that during the execution of complex macro programs, such as 7. From time to time the program freezes, which are expressed in the visible work of the script, but in reality no actions are performed (nothing is written to the logs, the screen of the script does not change) in such a state the script can stay long enough. In practice I checked up to one day. It is possible that the reason for such operation is incorrect operation of the user program or problems with the computer. I would like to see a new version that would provide control over the work of the program (e.g. repeat commands to execute them if for some reason failed) and display more information in the logs.

assol_7 писал (а) >>

Dear Igor!

Work with the program shows that during the execution of complex macro programs, such as 7. From time to time the program freezes, which are expressed in the visible work of the script, but in reality no actions are performed (nothing is written to the logs, the screen of the script does not change) in such a state the script can stay long enough. In practice I checked up to one day. It is possible that the reason for such operation is incorrect operation of the user program or problems with the computer. I would like that in the new version would be provided with control of the program (eg repetition of commands for their execution if for some reason failed) and reflected more information in the logs.

The most probable reason - lack of memory, when using Complex program, lots of history on different currencies is loaded into memory.


Dear Igor!

I have sent you suggestions for optimising TC by mail and am posting them here:

Suggestions for adding a macro program to TC. Macro-program of selection of the best results on forward tests. It is desirable to provide two modes. Mode №1 of direct enumeration of all combinations of tester report received during optimization with stability check by "StabilityTest" macro-program. Mode №2 of enumerating all combinations of the tester report received during optimization with stability check by "StabilityTest" macro-program, except for those filtered by criteria as in "OneOptim" macro-program. The principle of the macro-program operation may be as follows, first we conduct optimization of parmeters, then, depending on the macro-program operation mode, we run (test) the tester report results on the "StabilityTest" macro-program data The best data for profitability (other criteria may be added, but profitability is better) are written to the file, the number of data in the file is user-controlled, but we may limit ourselves to 10. The worst results are replaced by better ones in ascending order until the whole tester report is tested, depending on the macro mode. This is basically it.

Additionally for overcoming problems with operating memory in the present version, at work of program "Complex", it is possible to provide in macro-programs "OneOptim", "StabilityTest" by installation of special flag, work with intermediate data file received during work of program "OneOptim" which subsequently, at will of the user, can be processed by macro-program "StabilityTest". Or allow the "StabilityTest" macro to work with the "OneOptim" macro file. The file name can be entered in the MetaEditor into a special variable, as it is done in other TC macro programs, and if the file has no such name (user error), the message will be displayed. If the file name is absent in the special variable = Empty string the "StabilityTest" macro program works in the usual mode.

assol_7 писал (а) >>

Thanks for the suggestion, I think the extra features will be useful to others as well, I'll try to make it quicker.


Dear Igor!

When working with the "Complex" macro program it turned out that in the report file of this macro program sometimes for some reason the profit results obtained by the macro program differ from the results obtained in manual mode with the same input data on the same tester! And there are no such profit results in the report file for optimization results (which is understandable). It is unclear how the "Complex" macro program obtained these results. Maybe we should check how the macro program reads the profit result from the tester report after the next test. The numbers of the report "Complex", have a correct format and appearance but are sometimes two or three times less or more than the real.

Regards Sergey.