Wishes for MQL5 - page 48


It is important to accurately track the error code when the server fails to execute a trade.

For example, it has been noticed that in tick-free conditions (at night, 1 tick in 3 minutes) the server may return a "new price" error rather than "no price".

A normal EA should be configured to behave a certain way under different error codes and behave accordingly.

If the server responded "no prices", then the EA would start tracking the nearest price change without sending a new order.

In this case, the EA will be able to resend the trade order without a pause.

Therefore, there is a continuous stream of trade orders to the server with the same server failure code.


It has been seen that different servers react differently under the same conditions.

The server seems to be able to make some adjustments. In some cases the settings may not be correct.

It would be advisable to limit this on the server - not to allow arbitrary settings where it is unreasonable.


(also noticed that sometimes it returns 130 instead of 129)


My wishes:

To be as close to 4 as possible, all this fuss is necessary for programmers... I have barely mastered the language as it is, and now a new one would be a waste of time. If you change the language every year like that, it's easier to learn Omega once and for all.

zero писал (а) >>

My wishes:

To be as close to 4 as possible, all this fuss is necessary for programmers... I've hardly mastered the language, and now the new language should go to hell. If you have to change the language every year, it's easier to master Omega once and for all.

You are so confident that MQL4 is the top of perfection, and everything is simple and easy.

I would like to see a mechanism like "signals and slots".
Prival писал (а) >>

You should not be so sure that MQL4 is the best and everything is simple and easy

maybe not the top but not the bottom either...


I don't understand why they need to change the language. Well, add something there (I'm fine with it as it is), but if people want... But if a handful of programmers who like this forum want something, it doesn't mean that ALL of them want it... Let them follow these programmers, who like to play with incredible antics, look for 21st-order derivatives through the northwestern neuron of NS, smoothed through the rear buffer of sinusoid, and feel themselves incredibly screwed up and talk about Forex, and indulge their flawed self-esteem, reveling in their own pseudo-coolness... Is anyone bothering them? I don't care if they're on their ears... It's just disgusting to do that to people. You've been racking your brains, you've mastered the language, you think, thank God... Yeah, it turns out there's no such thing... HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE FUN OF ME? One minute you're changing from 3rd language to 4th language, the next you're changing from 4th language. Just tell me what you're doing. every year you change something. They don't mind if you and your programmers sit around and make them platforms, add classes and pictures so that they can draw them and put Paint together with Excel, and add Winamp for them to have more fun with their crazy fantasies so they won't get bored while writing the next perpetuum. And give them matlab and a lot of naked broads (preferably inflatable ones, let them sit and inflate through the monitor), so they won't have a platform but all in one... No, fuck it, you need to choose a normal platform, albeit a paid one, but with sane managers, and consistency... Fuck you every year, changing and rewriting something... fuck it... BLEEP... HATE re-learning...

zero писал (а) >>

perhaps not the top, but not the bottom...

You're wrong...

I don't think you're getting it quite right.

Language development is not the whim of a "handful of programmers". It is the dictate of life itself.

New possibilities of the language will allow to implement new possibilities for trading.

And if you don't do that, the platform will become outdated very soon (like the telegraph, which not many people use anymore).


Another thing is that the language has to be well thought out (ideally, with scalability and continuity) and the interface has to be intuitive.

To be specific, 4 has a number of concepts which do not meet today's requirements. For example, the concept of special function properties. SF can only be triggered by a tick and there is no other option. In my opinion, sooner or later in the future this approach will have to be abandoned in favour of the ability to run any function and the programs themselves (skr, exp, ind) on a controllable event. This would allow the user to control freely - without being bound to ticks. This would increase the efficiency of programs (using up to 100% of resources at the right time).

In addition, the most common but reliably implemented features are needed - mailings, network communication. For example. Someone will make a very good MTS and sell real-time signals. There will be several vendors with an acceptable level of reliability. Many traders will want to be able to connect/disconnect to one or the other source at their choice. If you have your own MTS, be my guest. And if your own is silent at the moment, why not work on someone else's, if it is inexpensive...

You still need a lot of important little things, without which programs look like a Dos game of tetris. We need layered graphics with the ability to combine objects into groups, the ability to select by click, mouse movement, etc.. We need the possibility to set and give the necessary properties to your button (click - you look the indicator, click - turn off, and today there is nothing to click, and even if you click, you'll get a tick). And who looks at such an opportunity with a rainbow eye, he will make himself a special, the most unpleasant "klatsa". Just click - here you have a candlestick analysis on a coloured chart, click - here is a group of favourite symbols, click - a group of supports and resistances, click - here is a correlation analysis with the forecast... If only it were possible to use buttons...


Are there any plans for working in non-standard TFs in MQL5?

Although I can only conditionally call them non-standard, since the standard ones are completely non-standard.

i wonder, what is the basis for the selection of the existing timeframes?

For example, take many of Bill Williams indicators

they become a mere parody of the way they were conceived in relation to the existing TF

yes, i have been working with this for a year, i need a partially parallel terminal and i have partially created it

I can't say it's impossible, but I'm tired of dancing around

The whole system becomes very heavy - a simple run in the tester may take hours, but I am trying to optimize code

and only part of the idea is implemented

Expect changes in new MT in this direction or...



My wishes:

I would like to see a function in the new version of the language that executes a string.

I think this would be very useful.

WWer писал (а) >>

My wishes:

I would like to see a function that executes a string in the new version of the language.

I think it would be very useful.

I'll clarify. I'm talking about macro substitution implemented in VFP (Visual FoxPro) for example. Yes, it worked in foxpro too. Sometimes you really need it. Something is simplified.


1. expand api to handle arrays and make it support string keys

2. SENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. at least one more event (e.g. I would like to see an event like NEWS OUTPUT, I'm sure it's possible!!!!!)