Equity and balance graph - page 14


he's acting strangely against the white background

alexx_v >> :

>> it's acting weird on a white background.

This is a peculiarity of the histogram in a separate window. It's the one that shades one histogram with another, which has a background colour. You have to select the colours for the background manually. Therefore, it now requires as many as 6 indicator buffers for Equity. One more for balance and one in reserve. I have excluded margin and free funds.


Already on the minutes is very interesting! I see both drawdowns and missed profit.

But the error occurred in case of oppositely opened positions - instead of a horizontal line a vertical line is drawn, and for some reason it is of different length (and colour! :)), while the centre seems to be the right one.

Mistake with the lock

Batman >> :
Only a mistake appeared in case of counter-open positions - instead of a horizontal line a vertical line is drawn, and for some reason of different length (and colour! :)), though the centre seems to be where it should be.

The horizontal line is not drawn, because the open price is equal to the close price. That's why the body of the candlestick is completely painted over with the background.

As for the locus, the indicator does not take it. It simply takes the range of movement for each position and summarizes it. As a result, we see overestimated values of shadows.

Apparently we will have to work on Close on M1.


In the case of loca, summing up the sweeps of all positions is supposed to give zero, if I understand correctly, but for some reason we have different values of vertical lines... What could this mean? Perhaps it is an calculation error accumulated in a large number of open positions or a small calculation error multiplied by their number? In general, overestimated shadows give more reason to be self-critical in the analysis, as I've already written :)

If there is no possibility to draw a line with Open and Close being equal, perhaps it would be interesting to overlay the Close line optionally over the candlesticks?

It's a pity there are no quotes at the moment... Can't see - is the current value somehow displayed on the zero bar or not...


In the case of loc, the extreme equity values for each position are summed up. For a sell position the maximum equity value was at the low end of the candle, for a buy position it was at the high end of the candle. These values are added together regardless of the fact that they are reached at different times at different ends of the candle. I've already warned about it.

The zero bar in this version is not processed in any way. It is more complicated here, in addition we should watch the colour of the bar.


Got it. Oh, well. Even this version is already useful to me. Thank you very much! I'll see what it shows me online tomorrow.

- By the way, would you like to accept this avatar as a thank you? It goes well with your nickname, doesn't it? :)

If you don't like it, don't judge me harshly. It's just a bit empty... Otherwise it would be easier to identify on occasion.

I'll think about it:)
Xupypr писал(а) >>
I'll think about it:)

Got the hint :)

Ran a demo of both latest versions today and came to the conclusion that both of them are infuriatingly lying in case of a large number of counter positions... Somewhere there's a mistake buried deep down... Especially strongly it appears right after their simultaneous closure (20-25% drawdown turns into almost a loss of deposit!), although while they are open it is quite possible to orientate. So there's such a pie...

Probably, it is not taken into account that additional funds are not spent on opening a counter position? However, it depends on the brokerage company.

The current equity value on the zero bar is very low. The candlestick bar itself could be not drawn, while a triangle with its corner showing changing value between already reached max and min would be very useful.

Batman >> :

Got the hint :)

Ran a demo of both latest versions today and came to the conclusion that both of them are infuriatingly lying in case of a large number of counter positions... There's a mistake buried deep down somewhere...

I haven't noticed any mistakes on the 7 version, neither with or without counterparts, everything is clear and correct, tic to tic :) but on the 8 version...

I'm sticking with 7 :)