What do you think of intuitive trading? - page 15

xeon: what if there were four X's? :-)))
Well then it wouldn't be Yurixx, but a monster of some sort...

I'm almost ...


Yurix, there's no need to be modest, you've written before. :0)
Я люблю женщин и они платят мне.
Five X's won't be enough... ;)
ballistika: And the MATEMAT was wrong to think that I was a bit humourless...
I didn't say you're lacking in humour, ballistika: usually intelligence correlates well with a sense of humour. Let me now try to send Yurixx a letter with confirmation of reading (I already sent it once) and then send his address to your address?

Hi NIROBA, let me know where you opened a demo account with the details:

qee, после вашего поста я открыл демо счёт, вот логин: 556039 и пароль для просмотра: f4qflus.

There is no account with these details on the MQ server, according to my MT. If not at MQ, where did you open it? In your grandfather's village ? That's not fair, your information is either incomplete or false.


Hi NIROBA, let me know where you opened a demo account with details:

qee, after your post I opened a demo account, here is login: 556039 and password to view: f4qflus.

On the MQ server, according to my MT, there is no account with such details. And if not on MQ, where did you open it ? In your grandfather's village? It's not pretty, your information is either incomplete or false.

Maybe I should give you my checking account and password! :)

Yurix, want to see the state? :)

He who seeks always finds!


There is no doubt in my mind that you are a fake. Just like the fact that you can't even show any sustainable results on the demo. You're weak in spirit. Your hands will shake if you know someone else is looking at your trading. Not even the fact that it's not for money, but for funnies to play. That's why I asked you a question, and you immediately fell asleep. :-)

Anyway, kid, you're all clear. Practice on cats...

ballistika: And the mathematician thought in vain that my sense of humour was lacking...
I didn't say you had no sense of humour, ballistika: intelligence usually correlates well with a sense of humour. Let me now try to send Yurixx a letter with confirmation of reading (I already sent it once) and then send his address to your address?

Alexey, did you get my reply or not ?

There has long been no doubt in my mind that you are a fake. Just like the fact that you can't even show any sustainable results in the demo. You're weak in spirit. Your hands will shake if you know someone else is looking at your trading. Not even the fact that it's not for money, but for funnies to play. That's why I asked you a question. And you immediately fell asleep. :-)

Anyway, kid, you're all clear. Practice on cats...

Yurix, but you're strong in spirit and ready to monitor the demo account right now. And make sure you show us

to show us the most consistent, stable results we've ever seen. Please, maestro!

I can send you a trading password to your existing account.

And we all will be watching your professionalism (with a capital letter).

Are you ready to surprise us? :) Or are you ready to surprise us?

Alexei, did you get my answer or not?
Yes, Yuri, thank you. And sent it to Angela.
Scientists are breaking open the "mechanism" of the ineffable human property

here, http://inauka.ru/analysis/article77802?subhtml , and it seems to be working, well at least moving in the direction we want.

It was a pleasure to read the whole topic, thanks, "ballistika" and all those interested and developing it.

My intuition also manifests itself in an interesting way. My ears are straining and I can feel it. When I drive a car and turn out for example, when the front bumper may hit another car standing in the car park, then when my bumper is approaching it, my ears are straining harder and harder until they begin to burn, which means - now just "scrape" (hit)! Or when I'm parking. Or when I go down to the basement and hit the ceiling with my head or when I am in any kind of danger - "give me a cigarette" or when someone looks at me with bad intentions. There are many examples and they happen every day, and it is in moments of danger.

My intuition goes off - my ears get tense - I automatically release adrenaline depending on the tension - I am ready to run, fight, react instantly, and so on.

In forex I used to apply this as well. But there is so much danger here that you can sit with red ears for an hour without opening a single trade. A lot of adrenaline is released when intuition works, and it is very exhausting and tiring. Imagine that you secrete adrenaline for 10-15 minutes all the time? Then everything hurts and you feel like an old man when you "bounce back". In life intuition works "once in a while" at the moment of danger, you "splashed" with adrenalin, you strained yourself, survived the danger, and now you have a rest. So, I can say for myself - I could not use intuition in Forex, until I got the idea: If you accustom yourself every day, let's say at 8 am, to look at charts and listening to your indicator say to yourself, for example: "Open Buy with TP 30", or "Open Sell Stop at 1.27 with TP 40" and so on, recording the capacity of the adrenaline by personal experience, you can get used to such work and really train your Intuition. I've been through it. And here in the post by the esteemed "SK" I saw exactly what happened to me. To train intuition and try to subject it to your control is first and foremost a work on the mind. So is working on the body. You listen to yourself, look inside yourself, feel yourself and find yourself there. And what happens? When after a week of work on consciousness and "listening" to yourself you see the result (all deals are profitable), then you are not interested in this result, because you move to "another level" of thinking and perception of the world. This is what is opening to you! Forex takes a back seat to another level, and only with a smile you remember why you started THIS.

Perhaps, many people won't understand me. But I am strongly against using intuition to make money. I find it just plain disgusting now. It's like... it's like (long thought of what to compare it to...) using faith in God and asking him to give you money. Or calling the hospital and asking them for money for a new computer - they have money! Or use the beauty of the night sky studded with stars to glue a rape scene to that background. I don't know what other examples I can give, maybe SK can tell you, he's smarter and knows what I'm talking about. It is difficult for me to compare something incredibly pure and amazing with something dirty and low.

More than once the thought has crossed my mind that Instinct and Intuition are somehow related. Even spell it out, they are close. Both are "trying" to save us from danger. Both help us in Life. But Instinct is given from birth, while Intuition comes with years. Probably with experience, but here I am ready to speculate on what kind of experience. There are different experiences. There is the experience of listening to oneself and working on oneself as a person, and there is the experience that comes with new knowledge. There are also different types of knowledge, and the amount of useless knowledge is much greater. And there is also experience of using intuition. One has to listen to oneself, to one's body and consciousness.

And here is the conclusion:

Everyone has different "ears", that's for sure. One should listen to oneself in the moment of danger and focus attention on one's own "indicator". This indicator is given to everyone. And not in order to improve our lives. But in order to LIVE!