NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 65

There is a hypothesis that collectives of lower creatures are ruled by a single spirit.

Hypothesis, or no hypothesis.... Jung has it all figured out. Not only in lower creatures - in any social group.

In a social group, precisely, there is no surprise (though maybe in vain). In ants, we think we understand. But in amoebas, it is not clear at all


So this is mitogenetic radiation by Gurevich (Gurvich), USSR, 30s.


By the way, there is a prayer for cockroaches in the house like "go away evil cockroach spirit".
So practicing believers applying this miraculous prayer did not put however boundary conditions,
such as "remove from the flat" or "remove", but just remove.
The cockroaches have disappeared everywhere and scientists think global warming ))))


Or, as granit77 wrote, "the example only shows the underdevelopment of science". Like - and that's enough to reject any non-materialist explanation or even attempts. I wonder if Ockham would have accepted such an argument ?

Occam, and Aristotle before him, did not stoop to the classification of entities, the principle simply suggests their

limiting them to a necessary level. That is, if there is not yet a reasonable scientific explanation of the phenomenon,

there's no point in hastily inventing new concepts, it's easier to wait for the blind man to feel the whole elephant.

It's funny how a forex-related forum discusses pseudo-scientific theories unsupported by practical facts. I thought forex was a quick lesson to learn - as at first dreamed, undoubtedly thought and in fact turned out to be the case.

Occam, and Aristotle before him, did not stoop to the classification of entities, the principle suggests simply

limiting them to a necessary level. So, if there's no reasonable scientific explanation for a phenomenon,

there's no point in hastily inventing new concepts, it's easier to wait for the blind man to grope the whole elephant.

It's interesting how mouthing scientificity immediately sort of sums up the irrefutable basis. :-) Especially when it comes to Aristotle and the ancients. Besides, the invention of new concepts has been going on for over 2 thousand years. And all this occurs within the framework of the materialistic approach to comprehension of the world. Every breakthrough inevitably leads to new ideas and new understanding. But at the same time it faces new boundaries that still separate man from comprehending ultimate truth. But the process is ongoing ... :-))) And this makes it possible to talk with a clever face about the "scientific approach".

On the other hand, the notion that ideas exist before matter was known long before all sorts of approaches, including scientific ones. And this view of the world copes with its worldview tasks with no less (perhaps more) success. At the same time it does not at all deny the scientific approach to comprehension of the world "in particulars". So Ockham's razor cuts right through the epistemological difficulties of materialists specifically, along with their scientific approach.

When your blind man gropes the elephant in its entirety, what will he be able to say about it ? Nothing! At best some inconsequential bullshit about shape.

It's funny that pseudo-scientific theories unsupported by practical facts are discussed on a forex-related forum. I thought forex was a fast learner - as first dreamed, undoubtedly thought and in fact it turned out to be.

Well, how it really is - no one knows. An honest scientist is bound to be agnostic about matters of the soul.

We have no scientific methodology for studying spiritual phenomena. There are not (and cannot be) even criteria to distinguish between objective and subjective spiritual phenomenon.

If only because the reproducibility of spiritual experience under laboratory conditions is practically impossible. Though here Prof. Slezin has dug up something... :)


So this is mitogenetic radiation by Gurevich (Gurvich), USSR, 30s.

Wifi straight up :)

The cockroaches disappeared everywhere

What we have, we do not keep ... :)


So this is mitogenetic radiation by Gurevich (Gurvich), USSR, 30s.

Vi-fi straight :)

The cockroaches disappeared everywhere.

What we have, we don't keep ... :)

Yes, there is also a prayer - "Go away, evil spirit of Candida")).


If only because the reproducibility of spiritual experience in a laboratory setting is virtually impossible.

Well, that's not entirely true. One need only look at the documentary footage shot in the "KGB prison cells" when the Kulagina phenomenon was studied in closed laboratories. The footage shows experiments which were conducted to determine (and probably confirm) her capabilities. Naturally, the central figure in these shots is Kulagina herself. The reproducibility of the results is sufficient to acknowledge this as fact.

There are other experiments that have been reproduced under laboratory conditions. The problem lies not in them, but in the extent to which everyone who touches the subject is aware of the existence of these or those facts, and if so, to what extent they are prepared to accept their existence without prejudice. It is also possible to label "nonsense", "bullshit" and other things that happen in front of one's nose.

But the transition to other worldviews is not a direct consequence of the recognition of some incomprehensible phenomena as really existing. It is each person's right to choose for himself the position that seems most adequate to his own life and his ideas about it.


Just look at the documentary footage filmed in the "KGB prison cells" when the Kulagina phenomenon was being studied in closed laboratories.

Not enough