NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 102


who can't sleep on a dark night))

I was not very clear there, it may seem that I attacked the author of the DAO article.

However, it is not so.

- I am a peace-loving man.

What was meant was the triumphant march of psycho-technical techniques like "divine schizophrenia"

(term of one of the founding fathers, I will not mention his full name otherwise we would get into a fight).

What is meant by "divine schizophrenia" is splitting the psyche by one of the available methods to achieve one's selfish ends.

For example for successful market trading.

The splitting of the psyche is mediated either by planting some agent (of different nature and origin) or by silly affermation.

Both are ineffective for market trading, as the trouble with traders is not schizophrenia, but paranoia)))

For example:

-paranoid uninterrupted observation of the zero bar.

-paranoid anxiety - "the market went without me", supposedly lost profits.

-paranoid anticipation of a reversal.

-A paranoid withdrawal into the programming (away from the reality).


so that's - what a paranoid design of a split...))))))))))))))))))))

Korey >>: -paranoid uninterrupted observation of the zero bar.

Your brilliant entry into the scene of this forum we remember...

But the gist of what I have to say is about the same as yours. Isn't it? You attacked peacefully, I attacked slightly more aggressively (without crossing the line of propriety). I'm not saying the article is idiotic. It just doesn't fit the forum.

Mathemat >> :

Roughly understood, Implex. After the nerve-racking, a link to an article like this... That doesn't sound like progress to me. If there had been anything thought-provoking in that publication, I would have understood it. But the talk about how to squeeze a statistical advantage out of a sports lotto drum, and further meaningful nonsense about how to beat Foreh, to my mind, is unworthy of being discussed in such an interesting thread.

But he's right about the indicators, isn't he?

And another question - why is this thread so interesting to you?


What the article says about indicators is trivial. It would be better to think about how to make them not only show the past, but also say something about the future.

And the branch is already interesting because of the composition of those who have joined it.


I haven't read the whole thread, but I got through the first 8 pages... :)

In my time I also dug deep into theosophy, esotericism, philosophy...

I thought and pondered a lot...

The sense of reflection was to find the fundamental ideas of the world's structure...

...which can still, with difficulty, be put into mental constructs...

Here at the beginning they wrote about the purpose and meaning of human development...

Like the meaning of life...

It's nice to tell others how to live... :)

The meaning of life is different for everyone...

For example, there was an option - to develop...

On the whole it is relatively fundamental... What is there to develop for? Probably to accumulate knowledge... What is knowledge for? Knowledge is a tool for realizing one's own desires - in essence, a tool for managing reality... What is reality management? It is changing it and creating it... What is the creation of reality? It is creativity... What is creativity? Everyone already knows that... :)

The meaning of life is to create reality...

And we want it or not, we know about it or not, every moment we create your own reality ...

Each his own ... :)

And the meaning of meaningful life - it's everyone who decides what conscious reality to generate ... :)

About good and bad...

What is good for the Russian is death for the German... :)

To each his own, etc.

Of course, it is necessary to make conditional boundaries, otherwise you can do a lot of damage ...

But if you consider the fundamental ideas, of course there is nothing good as well as bad...

And now for the main thing... :)

How does the world work?

I read and read, different interesting or not so interesting mental concepts of the structure of the universe ...

Someone believes in the big bang theory, someone in theosophical ideas, someone in Buddhist ideas, someone in quantum-mechanical ideas...

All these ideas can be summed up in one fundamental idea - everything is interconnected... The world is one and consistent...

But the world is not just something that can be described by mental models...

There is a whole layer of reality that can't even be described in words... :)

You can only become aware of it... But it would be hard to tell...

And you can't measure everything. Like faith or love... You can't measure it with a ruler.

It's a much wider world.

So what is so fundamental about the world except that it is one and everything in it is interconnected?

Man is looking for answers to his questions...

Man wants to find the causes and of course the root cause...

It may sound strange but a man does not find all the answers and reasons, he creates them himself... :)

Because man is the generator of his own reality...

Man is the world... It is not without reason that they say, get to know yourself and you will get to know the world...

We are creators of our own questions and answers...

Only a small part of reality, physical reality, which is more or less considered objective, can be measured with a ruler, weighed, touched and smelled...

But this small piece is derived from the main layer of reality...

And the closer to the reference point of the whole reality, the more subjective and less objective it is...

There's the microcosm, which is still a physical reality but has all sorts of laws... :) Scientists have already abandoned objective reality there...

What a superposition of quantum objects with their entanglement... :)

And this is still physical reality... :)

So, what is the root cause, the reference point of reality?

There is no answer to this question because it is nothing...

It's also an idea - it's from Buddhism...

There is no point in talking about emptiness as it cannot be conveyed in words...

It is an infinitely unknowable entity...

Words are pointers to concepts... Concepts are pointers towards truth, but are not truth...

And most importantly, faith...

Everything I've written here, someone will call bullshit, someone will say - there's something in it but one way or another you'll either believe it or not ... :)

And the extent to which you believe what I've written will change reality... :)

Implex писал(а) >>
And so on... I won't give you all the code

>>I wonder what the result is after so much titanic work ??????

creation писал(а) >>


On the whole, it is relatively fundamental... What to develop for? Probably to accumulate knowledge... What is knowledge for? Knowledge is a tool for realising one's own desires - essentially a tool for managing reality... What is reality management? It is changing it and creating it... What is the creation of reality? It is creativity... What is creativity? Everyone already knows that... :)


So, what is the root cause, the starting point of reality?

There is no answer to this question, because it is nothing...

It's also an idea - it's from Buddhism...

There is no point in talking about emptiness as it cannot be conveyed in words...

it's an infinitely unknowable entity...


I've picked out two maxims on the spot.

If you extend this series beyond creativity@, you will realise from the technology of "creativity" that all created things can be measured,
including the "immeasurable" Faith and Love can be measured.

and where are those Buddhists who have found an infinitely unknowable essence))))
in fact it's the opposite with Buddhists
- Buddhists are not loved for it and not considered spiritual, they see Buddhists as having no faith, godless non-believers,
materialists)) precisely because they don't put a limit on knowledge.
"Infinity", "Nothingness" among others is not an obstacle either.

nikelodeon писал(а) >>

I wonder what the results are after all this hard work ??????

a little bit of a long explanation of the results of this thread.

History: mankind eats bread, bread is cereals, yield of cereals was once at the level of 6-8 centners per hectare, with seed rate of 2c/ha,
i.e. a self-three yield was considered a good achievement.
It is clear that the peoples were starving.

A palliative solution to hunger at the turn of the 18th/19th century was the introduction of nightshade crops,
- the familiar potato.
in just 100 years there appeared "Bulbash", which didn't exist before))))
but the problem of production remained.
No sacred measures to increase yields did not help.
God gave the weather, then really "punished".
But then what you might call "Reasoning" happened.
-methods were discovered to measure physical quantities, particularly temperature.
-The plants were studied, i.e. classified.
-The systematic observation of the weather and the scientific recording of crop yields began.
- tillage was developed which made it possible to carry out sowing and harvesting on time.
As a result, the farms developed agricultural practices which allowed growing a good yield up to 14 hundredweight/ha.
Plus, the discovery of homologous plant rows made it possible to 'synthesise' productive species,
and new varieties with new crops began to yield up to 45t/ha.
Plus, genetics and mathematical methods came along, resulting in cereals with yields up to 120 cwt/ha (wheat).
I.e. G-d helped to cope with this problem, to those who sought.
And conversely, in order to apply scientific methods of agro-culture, the organization of agricultural labour changed.
For example there was this contrast:
Grain yields in the GDR were 45 cwt/ha.
Grain yields in the Kuban -24 cwt/ha. (for a stable 45 cwt/ha they gave a Hero of Socialist Labor)
==???? Kuban chernozems gave less than podzols and loams of the GDR)))
The reason for the difference. in provision, motivation, and market organisation.
Now back to our common theme - stock trading,
doesn't the topic of this thread look like a historically fait accompli to find ways to increase yields?

Korey писал(а) >> - Buddhists are not liked for this and are not considered spiritual, those. position Buddhists as having no faith, godless unbelievers, are numbered as materialists)) precisely because they do not put a limit in knowledge.

"Infinity", "Nothingness" among others, is not an obstacle either.

Indians are one of the most spiritual nations on earth (their spiritual aspiration should not be confused with the harsh reality described to me by my ex-first wife who worked in Goa as a tour guide on a long business trip: when she travelled by train in India, she saw that in order to go for a major toilet, they just get off the train and do it next to the carriage, not particularly embarrassed by others; and whether Delhi or Mumbai is the same imperial London in architectural style, only very dirty).

In all the time of the Indian nation, there is almost the only purely materialistic trend in their own philosophy - I don't remember what it is called. This is in the midst of hundreds of idealistic ones.

Perhaps they are really atheists, since they consider Nothing to be their supreme goal. It seems that according to one classification of religions Buddhism belongs to atheism. But atheism is called such not because it is materialism, but because it is a-theism, the opposite of theism, monotheism.


In a normal denomination, the adherent accepts the tenets on faith, and whoever does not accept, i.e. tries to understand, is a heretic.
In normal Buddhism, dogma is rejected from the beginning,

literally: the dogma of Buddhism is the absence of dogma,
it's formulated like this:

the whole world around you is Maya (illusion, modern illusory energy)
you can change one illusion for another, but knowing that the next concept is again an illusion, even a new one

you will not dwell on it as an absolute knowledge, or dogma.
Therefore from the position of any denomination the Buddhist is the one who denigrates the tenets of the faith.

P.S. By the way, there is no Buddhism in India)) Hinduism has rejected Buddhism.