NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 105

paralocus >> :

Hello, Skeptic.

I was just about to write to you and you're right there... -:)

I want to ask you why the "tendential planimetry" thread got stalled. I've read the whole thing.

Tried all available mash-ups, including Kaufman's AMA - except Maria Petrovna - zero result!

In view of this circumstance, something chaotic-transcendental is stirring in my slumbering brain...

I wasn't too interested in tendential planimetry. It may have potential - say, for nerve nets - but those are the ones that haven't touched me yet. By the way, I'm looking forward to continuing our personal communication. My ironic response doesn't mean I'm not interested in the subject at all.

Mathemat >> :

I'm not too interested in tendential planimetry. It may have potential - say, for nerve grids, but those are the ones that haven't touched me yet. By the way, I'm looking forward to continuing our personal communication. My ironic response doesn't mean I'm not interested in the subject at all.

To be continued... -:)

My head is very busy at the moment. I'm learning a lot of things here... from programming, to neural networks, I found yesterday.

And my head's not what it used to be at the institute. Years of intellectual downtime haven't gone in vain, you know...

Yesterday I imagined how much I still don't know (about Forex) and how much I need to know... Yesterday I imagined how much I still don't know (in Forex) and how much I should know.

As for my considerations about the "probabilistic origin of the universe" - so, in a sense, it's not mine. When I first entered this field.

I knew right away that it wasn't for me. I was looking for someone to give it to... It's funny to remember - I even wrote to an academic, just like you. But he did not answer.

Probably thought I was crazy.

In the same way, being in a certain state, I can listen to Solieri's unfulfilled conta(wow he's rocking, scumbag) or

There is more. Like knowing some of the nuances of history. But I am only a "receiver", besides, one has to trust all this super-sensible stuff with extreme caution.

Even with more than I trade in real life. Lochodynamics is the science of all sciences! For all things are transitory, but suckers are eternal.

There's another problem: you can't put something into words at all.

What does all this have to do with market trading I do not know myself, but I do know that it does.

In fact, I need three things to go on:

1. a relaxed body and a clear head (now it's the other way around).

2. personal disinterest (this is a tough one, but I'm used to it)

3. interest on the part of the third person(it's already there)

As they say here - have a good trend and large profits. I'll continue the topic as best I can.

paralocus писал(а) >>

On the whole, right. Except perhaps in the place where you write that almost no one has reached such a state of consciousness. There are such people. Though, no one can reach it by reading books.

You need other methods. Apart from that:

1. This is not achieved by "breaking with your emotions and feelings ". On the contrary. By their (contradictions) complete and uncompromising assimilation with subsequent integration of the clusters of consciousness, bound before by algorithms of (now former) contradictions, into a new wholeness. This may sound like a paradox, but there are no limits to what can be achieved with them.

2. One should not generalise unnecessarily: "We don't even want money in the long run, but a sense of happiness. "For, one might ask the question, like: "who are we?" However, the one who finds the right answer to it is already guaranteed "profits".

3. The question: "Do you want what you get? " . The answer is, "Will you want it?"

And lastly, theoretically you can't! You can't teach it even theoretically, you can only remove what's in the way (which is PRACTICALLY possible).

The text is slightly tweaked "retrospectively", in order to eliminate stylistic moose.

There are such people. But they are very few. That's why I said "almost".

About the books.

You can't say categorically "nobody". Actually reading is only a method of obtaining information. The real way to develop is to accumulate one's own experience on the basis of what one has read. That is, reading is of course followed by practice. Not necessarily the practice of meditation, reaching WTO (out-of-body experience), developing memory and intuition.

I've said before that development is a wonderful process. Remarkable in the sense of inexplicable, fundamentally incomprehensible. It cannot be explained in terms of ordinary logic. You can only identify it, - ascertain the fact of its existence and recognize that this process manifests itself in relation to us in the form of a law.

Each stage of development is characterised by a set of values based on the totality of all the notions one possesses. The wider the range of concepts, the higher the level of personal development. Simply, the more books are read (of course, books containing new notions), the wider the range of notions is, the higher the level of development is.

At some stages of development, qualitative transformations happen. For the common physical consciousness it is a change of the scale of values. On a more advanced stage it is a change of the worldview. At the remarkable stage it is a qualitative increase in the level of consciousness.


About clusters of consciousness.

Astral and mental consciousness have a principally different basis that does not involve any attributes of the physical world, including the brain. Simply because they are higher forms of the consciousness with respect to the physical one. In particular, the "carrier" of AS and MS memory is "outside" the FS brain (that is why we remember many dreams only when we are awake, and when we get to the toothbrush we forget - we return from unconscious AS to ordinary FS, which has only memory "recorded" in the brain).

Briefly: AS is unstable. A qualitative, "irrevocable" elevation of consciousness is the level of MS, which implies the ability to act with the physical body without identifying with it. In MS, information about future and past events is available in the same way as in FS a direct perception of the present. In MS it is simply the state of the environment.

(There is nothing easier to win at forex with MS, but with MS there is no interest in it, just like a normal adult has a chance to play with a bucket and a trowel in the sandbox, but no interest. If this interest remains with MS, then there is something wrong with that person's "head". Using the possibilities of higher levels of reality to satisfy lower needs is black magic, a dead end in terms of development).


"who are we?" This is just an exercise in verbiage, irrelevant to life.

"remove what's in the way" -- nothing can be removed. We can speak only about some incomplete stage of development, naturally implying errors and delusions, the awareness of which leads to the end of the stage, characterized by a qualitative change in the scale of values or worldview.

SK. >> :


"who are we?" This is just an exercise in verbiage, irrelevant to life.

"remove what is in the way" - nothing can be removed. We can speak only about some incomplete stage of development that naturally presupposes mistakes and delusions, awareness of which leads to the end of the stage, characterized by a qualitative change in the scale of values or worldview.

I will answer in parts.

1. "

...About books.

You can't say categorically 'no one'. Actually reading is just a method of getting information."

Hence, you can.

2. "The real way to develop is to accumulate one's own experience on the basis of what one has read. "

Alas, this is too little. Such a way will never take a person beyond his own perceptions (assumptions and agreements) of the world and himself. It will only give an illusion of this exit (a mental projection, or a very plausible but mirage). So it happens because the "framework" is determined by all previous experience of the person: his perceptions found out, including from books; his upbringing, education and environment (or more exactly the way his environment - work, family, priority interests, viewpoints and social circle) generates conflicts and contradictions. The nuances are important.

However, it is not enough to achieve the goal of consciousness development... But it can be used, albeit in a paradoxical way. This is often done today (we are in an era of "infinity readers"), and the wedge must be bitten out of the wedge, as you know. However, the method requires someone who knows when and where to drive the wedge, and when and where to drive it out. This "somebody" should be free of any conceivable and inconceivable stereotypes and patterns. There is no other way. Therefore, not much can be done for the purpose of development of consciousness... But not a little. One can initiate the process (to give initial impetus). And then it is necessary to involve other centres of perception, processing and decision-making. Otherwise, the process "rots" like stagnant water in a swamp.

3. "The practice of meditation, reaching WTO (out-of-body experience), developing memory and intuition is not necessary . " It is mandatory. It is further learning.

4. "Each stage of development is characterised by a set of values based on the totality of all the concepts one possesses. The wider the range of concepts, the higher the level of personal development. Simply, the more books read (of course, books bearing new concepts), the wider the range of concepts, the higher the level of development."

That's what I'm talking about... By gradually widening the circle of concepts it is not possible to go beyond concepts. I.e. we take a "dickhead", for example, and start improving it. The maximum we will get as a result is "a dick improved". I.e. a Zaporozhets will never turn into a Mercedes. And we need a qualitative leap - a leap from plane to volume, which cannot be made due to the accumulation of a critical mass of quantitative increments in the plane.

5. "If this interest remains with MS, then there is something wrong with that person's "head". Using the possibilities of higher levels of reality to satisfy lower needs is black magic, a dead end in terms of development)".

There, in fact, is the pattern. We can work with that, if you don't mind. You can do it through a private message.



I am learning from you to write mql programs. Thank you, it is a very good tutorial ... maybe you will get a chance to learn something too.

"remove what gets in the way" - you can't remove anything. - Starkness, greed, intolerance, self-centredness, stupidity, laziness, pride... the list goes on.

I was trying to speak on substance. You, on the other hand, seemed to me to be picking on words...

1. So you can.

The point is that reading books + experiences from books is one of the effective ways of development, as books can contain new concepts.

2. Alas, it is too little.

Of course it is too little. But you argue with it as if I am claiming that it is the only and sufficient way.

At the same time, in my opinion it is one of the most effective ways. Moreover, in some cases it is really necessary, for example, before thoughtlessly (really on the basis of blind faith mixed with illusions) rushing into the practice of meditation.

>> One can initiate the process (give the initial impetus). Other centres of perception, processing and decision-making need to be involved. Otherwise the process will "rot" like stagnant water in a swamp.

In my opinion this is wrong. On the whole the idea expressed is clear and obvious. And it would seem that it should work. And it will work. But in a slightly different direction. Namely, the "other centres of perception" will not be activated, but the development will continue until the qualitative transformation of the worldview. A change in worldview - a remarkable qualitative transformation - would first of all differentiate the realm of the conscious and the unconscious and then recognize the existence of other levels of reality as objectively existing. Hence, a fundamentally different approach to further development, as the next step is to reach the highest level of consciousness - AS and then MC. Recognition of a qualitatively different basis of higher levels of reality allows one to naturally and easily accept the abandonment of the entire scale of values of the social society of the physical world (to do what KK called "purging the tonal"), but retain the non-coming values - love, for example.

3. what was meant was not just the practice of meditation, but other experiences as well. There is no opposition or denial here, which you are arguing against.

4. I disagree fundamentally.

The gradual expansion of the circle of notions allows to accumulate a critical mass of independent notions. At some stage a qualitative transformation takes place. As a result, new concepts are born, the awareness of which allows the bearer to reach a new level of perception of reality. LC calls this "emergent properties", i.e. such properties of the synthesised object (here, consciousness) that none of its constituents (here, independent concepts) possess. An example is given: the common food salt NaCl has the property of salinity, although neither Na nor Cl separately possess this property. Another simple example: If we add a handy service program to an ordinary MT4, then the whole system will have a new (emergent) property - attractiveness.)

All human work (through intelligence at FS) is to become aware of these new concepts. This is the development of consciousness. Increasing consciousness itself is the result of deeper qualitative transformations -- the highest result of human activity imaginable at all.


Thanks for the kind words about the MQL4 tutorial.


I would like to add - almost from personal experience. In Scientology, there is a group of extremely simple, even primitive exercises. However, the clear repetition of the appropriate exercise command until a certain "final phenomenon" (the goal of the exercise) is achieved can and does lead to miracles.

One of the exercises I did myself with one of my good acquaintances was "Find a spot on the wall. Go over and touch it. Find another spot on the wall" etc. All commands are given in a clear, loud voice and each one should be acknowledged by the "client". I did this exercise with him for at least ten hours, if not more (i.e. running him from wall to wall). I was an inexperienced auditor, and my acquaintance and I had parted for reasons beyond our control - so I didn't know if the result (the "final phenomenon") had been achieved.

But recently we met by chance and he told me that for some time he did not feel any effect from my exercises and then, after several months, he suddenly saw the world with completely different eyes and he realized that the reason was the primitive exercise that I had been doing with him. That is probably the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones.

I have already written here about another strange exercise, but I will repeat it here again. Its command is absurd: "Make some time". Also performed for hours or even dozens of hours. But there is a result there too. By the way, one of the possible "side-effects" can be and really is exteriorization (WTO).


Perhaps it is a matter of personal preference... After all, there are many paths to Truth. It is probably possible to evolve in this way as well.

Perhaps history itself is not an example of transition from quantitative to qualitative changes. Rather, it is a mechanistic method of discovering a new concept.

The method is based on the property of physical memory. This property consists in that the greatest influence on the nearest period has a bright and new impression. According to my observations, memory is like a stack of coins. Every new moment a new coin (of different colour, brightness, size) is put on top and the bottom one is pushed into oblivion. If you do a new and interesting thing for a long time, it fills a large part of the "working" memory (skiing, first time driving, first sex (!), first time looking for spots (what if it is? wow, great!) ). This causes one to involuntarily mentally revisit recent experiences involuntarily during the day and in the days to come. In this way, the newly tried concepts are accentuated. But it happens not because a person needs it (a kind of "nostalgia for the present", a sucking under the spoon), but mechanistically, for external reasons (in this case based on the properties of memory, i.e. properties of the PT (physical body) that do not depend on the needs of the current level of consciousness).

I know from two sources that for the raising of consciousness it is necessary to have 25 hours of continuous awareness. If this method gives an opportunity to advance to results, then it has the right to life. At the same time, I prefer sequential progression. First awareness, then conscious action. All I am talking about is a kind of system without getting ahead of oneself. In my opinion, this way is more harmonious. I have three years of my untouched CC book Magical passes, which describes in detail many of the exercises practiced earlier by the shamans of ancient Mexico. I tend to believe the exercises will prove effective, but I don't take up the practice because I "can't feel it in my ass".

But perhaps I am wrong. The actual criterion is the fact of liberation while FT is still alive, which means the end of the cycle of reincarnations, i.e. no need to be born again. And the quantitative criterion is the time given to us before death. Time is always short.

That is the criterion. It makes you wonder. Huh... The benefit of the conversation... it's not uncommon... it's really good.

Where's my book?)

SK. >> :

I was trying to speak on substance. You seemed to me to be picking on words.

You don't have to do that. I'm not picking on you. And I am not trying to hurt you in any way.

I just see that reading Castaneda has given you nothing but new concepts and "broadening your horizons". But this is not the fodder the horse of consciousness needs.

Sergey, let's not be offended. Moreover, I have the kindest attitude to people like you and some others from this forum who do a great useful work.

But that in no way excludes the possibility of constructive criticism against them (transitively).

When you read the code of an expert, the mistakes made by its author are obvious to you. For me the mistakes of a person who posits his worldview and worldview are even more obvious.

" (to do what KK called "purge the tonal), but retain values that are not coming - love, for example."

For example. Here, as one acquaintance, a professor, used to say, it's a good idea to look at the source... Since you do not see for yourself that you have caught a moose (this is not a professor anymore).

I get the impression (God forbid it's deceptive) that you've read Carlos in parallel with a love affair... Well, as happens in such cases, there was a paradigmatic mix (just kidding).

Constructively, your question(or disagreement) could be phrased like this:

Why doesn't the accumulation of knowledge and broadening of horizons lead to qualitative changes in consciousness?

From that moment on, some constructive rather than battles of opinion may begin, which, as few people know, never lead to the truth.


Yes, not a bad example. I've never been involved in saetnology, nevertheless familiar with their methods and school.

It's a pity they killed Ron himself. Well, commercial interests took over, as they say. There's a little-known technique,

"that Ron wanted to introduce into the course shortly before his 'disappearance'. It's called "clearing in 30 minutes". Will be interested - I'll write it up.

paralocus >>: It's called "Clear in 30 minutes". >> I'll write if I'm interested.

Very interesting, write to me in person. But I don't seem to be that easy to process (I don't exteriorise after the command "Stand a metre behind your body" :) ). I have not had much success with dianetics either (maybe the auditor was too inexperienced).