NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 100

Erics писал (а) >>

Pterovich, thank you for your answer.

But, as is usually the case in a new field of knowledge, one answer begs two questions.

The most interesting ones are:

- How can one large FS consist of many FSs and all have the same functionality? I.e., for example, several FSs with structure as in the figure above, serve as acceptors, or "decision-makers", etc. How does it work? (you, as I understand - all on one level)

- How can the FS override the interactions, achieving a result? I.e. by what algorithms does FS change connections at the "cellular" level, leading to learning and adaptation? (Your artificial brain doesn't do this, as I understand it? Probably just augmenting the memory block?)

I'll second that, and I'd be interested in the answers to these questions, especially the second one.

Pterovich_I писал (а) >>

I really just don't know what isn't clear. So far, few people have asked for more information than in the help ... and it's mostly about the meaning of the picture elements rather than the instructions for use... So I suggest you specify your questions and I'll try to answer them.

I actually asked a lot of questions, but you only answered a few. Even questions like "what is it" remained unanswered. For example, what are these percentages - which of the 4 levels they belong to or how to interpret them. They change all the time. Anyway, it's not about me or my questions, I was just giving examples.

And money is not printed on stock exchanges - it changes its owner there.

Well, if you understand that, you must also understand that "making everyone rich" is impossible. Even if (let's assume unrealistic) everyone had a lot of money, no one would get richer. The amount of wealth in the world would not increase. But the value of money would diminish many times over and thus 'everyone would become poor'. That's the ABC of finance. So your point 5, alas, is utopian.

Maybe you mean pumping dollars from the western hemisphere to the eastern hemisphere? That would be an interesting task, a fun one. By the way, if you had succeeded, it would have caused colossal, catastrophic damage to Russia (or the country that would have been the receiver of that money). Luckily, however, that's not possible either. You could, of course, substantiate these claims of mine, but that would be even more boring than writing a beginner's help. :-) A reasonable person understands it anyway, with his common sense.

If you remember Items 1 and 6, you'll have to create a big stock of money under management, and the only way to do it.

And these "Napoleonic" plans, if implemented, will also lead to very different consequences than you're hoping for. If you understand Anokhin's theory of systems, then you must understand what systems such as "world economy", "world finance" and "commodity production" are like and how they work and how they will react to the artificial intervention of your "enormous mass of money". Also, you must understand the relationship of these systems in the "world civilization" system, and the impact of a radical reorganization of their interaction (as a result of your intervention) on the "humanity" subsystem. Maybe you just haven't thought about it?

And when I see the phrase "all ways are good", it's not good at all. Whatever good intentions you proclaim, everything will be destroyed by this principle, everything will be turned to evil. And your "besides" doesn't change anything here. Apart from your "apart from", there are so many other things and principles that cannot be done or violated for the sake of any lofty ideas. Those who don't understand this (or don't know it) will sooner or later give up their "besides" in order to achieve the goal. It is strange that you do not know that. By the way, no FS uses this principle in its life activity. Perhaps it's worth considering.

Rosh писал (а) >>

As I understand it, by CBOE you mean

Exactly, because my opponent is going to make everyone rich. And not somehow, but by playing futures on the CBOE.

Yurixx писал (а) >>

For example, what are the percentages - which of the 4 levels they belong to or how to interpret them. They change all the time. Anyway, it's not about me or my questions, I was just giving examples.

-------------------------------------------- цитата--------------------------------------------------------

- these are pointers to the current trend (direction of movement). The left hand eraser is a pointer to the dominant long term trend and the right hand eraser is a pointer to a possible trend change.

Foraggressive 'intraday' traders , short-term real-time predictions are offered, measured in four intervals of market strength, published in a prediction table(Predictions).

The blue cells in this table show the expected upper limits and upward direction, while the red cells show the expected lower limits and downward direction respectively. The weakest power interval is on the left. The last cell in the table is a percentage confidence of the system in the predicted direction. 100% corresponds to full confidence.

The arrows represent the direction.


Tam ge strelochka

Yurixx писал (а) >>

Exactly, because my opponent is going to make everyone rich. And not somehow, but by playing futures on OWN.

Yurixx писал (а) >>

Is 80% enough to enter a position ? А 50% ? Should I enter at the low end or as low as possible ? And exit at the upper limit ? What if the probability changes ? What is "may buy", is it a buy or not yet ? May is "may, in the sense of having the right". There is also can - "can, in the sense of being able to". So the interpretation of your "may buy" is not at all obvious. You have three levels of possible actions there. How do they fit together? Do they influence each other or are they completely independent ? Your Trend shows everything down, not one level up. And those three levels all say "may buy" - what to do ?


The"ST" brain analyses market dynamics, measuring the current forces driving price by associating them with a sequence of market states.

When ST recognises a familiar sequence of market states it extracts market forces and calculates the corresponding expected limits (range) and trends to be expected somewhere in the future.

Smaller market forces affect the market more frequently but in a smaller range of expected prices, while larger forces affect the market over longer time frames and on a larger scale of expectations.

Therefore, a trader must decide on which interval to play.

The general rule of thumb is to wait for the appropriate limit (do not use a directional arrow) to enter the market, analyzing the current trends using all available tools before actually doing it.

The combination of trends (combination) in all four intervals also carries useful information that different versions of ST use.

Once this is done, immediately set up a stop-loss and profit exit, according to your own strategy, analysis or indicators, or using our limits.

You can move(if your trading software allows it) the exit price according to our predicted trends and limits, to avoid taking substantial losses or increasing your profits.


>> Sorry, no Russian keyboard is available.

Yurixx писал (а) >>

I actually asked a lot of questions, but you only answered a few. Even questions like "what is it" were left unanswered. For example, what are the percentages - which of the 4 levels they belong to or how to interpret them. They change all the time. But come on, it's not about me or my questions, I was just giving examples.

Well, if you understand that, you must also understand that "making everyone rich" is impossible. Even if (let's assume unrealistic) everyone had a lot of money, no one would get richer. The amount of wealth in the world would not increase. But the value of money would diminish many times over and thus 'everyone would become poor'. That's the ABC of finance. So your point 5, alas, is utopian.

Maybe you mean pumping dollars from the western hemisphere to the eastern hemisphere? That would be an interesting task, a fun one. By the way, if you had succeeded, it would have caused colossal, catastrophic damage to Russia (or the country that would have been the receiver of that money). Luckily, however, that's not possible either. You could, of course, substantiate these claims of mine, but that would be even more boring than writing a beginner's help. :-) A sensible person understands it as it is, with his common sense.

And these "Napoleonic" plans, if implemented, will also lead to very different consequences than you are hoping for. If you understand Anokhin's systems theory, then you must also understand what systems such as "world economy", "world finance" and "commodity production" are like, how they work and how they will react to the artificial intervention of your "huge mass of money". Also, you must understand the relationship of these systems in the "world civilization" system, and the impact of a radical reorganization of their interaction (as a result of your intervention) on the "humanity" subsystem. Maybe you just haven't thought about it?

And when I see the phrase "all ways are good", it's not good at all. Whatever good intentions you proclaim, everything will be destroyed by this principle, everything will be turned to evil. And your "besides" doesn't change anything here. Apart from your "apart from", there are so many other things and principles that cannot be done or violated for the sake of any lofty ideas. Those who don't understand this (or don't know it) will sooner or later give up their "besides" in order to achieve the goal. It is strange that you do not know that. By the way, no FS uses this principle in its life activity. Perhaps it is worth considering.

I think my comments are redundant - ask comrade Integer and he does it much more effectively and funnier (I am delighted with the latter!). And there's plenty of material...


Может быть вы имели в виду перекачать доллары из западного полушария в восточное ? Это была бы интересная задачка, веселая. Между прочим, если бы это вам удалось, то это нанесло бы колоссальный, катастрофический ущерб России (или той стране, которая бы была приемником этих денег)

It's no longer funny here.
Erics писал (а) >>

Pterovich, thank you for your answer.

But, as is usually the case in a new field of knowledge, one answer begs two questions.

The most interesting ones are:

- How can one large FS consist of many FSs and all have the same functionality? I.e., for example, several FSs with structure as in the figure above, serve as acceptors, or "decision-makers", etc. How does it work? (you, as I understand - all on one level)

- How can the FS override the interactions, achieving a result? I.e. by what algorithms does FS change connections at the "cellular" level, leading to learning and adaptation? (Your artificial brain doesn't do this, as I understand it? Probably just augmenting the memory block?)

First of all about the architecture: the one in the picture is the "conceptual architecture" developed by a neurophysiologist for colleagues. Engineering, software, social, electronic, etc. will of course look different.

However, they will necessarily contain the following elements:

1. Receptors - which transform the various influences of the external and internal worlds of the system into a sequence of signals of some kind. Hearing, vision, smell etc. are transformed into electronic impulses, e.g. in business systems it is the marketing department, R&D department, which produces all kinds of reports...

2. the Analyzer, Predictor, Control subsystem, etc. what I call the Predictor is an element of the FS which serves to warn the organism of biologically significant events, generates the Anokhin result image, and stimulates the Performer. In production systems, this function is performed by the director; in state systems, it is performed by the president or state council, etc.

Executor is an element of the FS which, based on the image of the result and under the influence of the Predictor's stimulus, selects and implements a behaviour programme aimed at achieving the result.

An acceptor of the result, an element of the PS constantly comparing signals to receptors with the image of the result, which upon discrepancy stimulates a search-and-research reaction or corrects the behaviour programme.

Picture these elements and connections in their functional purpose and you get the diagram of universal FS architecture.

Do not forget about the feedback between the implementer and the predictor because the actions of the implementer and the very state of the system are also information for analysis. All elements of the FS system have apparatuses of associative memory.

Draw a picture with big squares and then put a smaller copy of the picture inside each square and you will see how one big FS consists of many small ones.

I would be very grateful for its publication :-) It's interesting to see what happens.

Cell-to-cell connections are genetically determined and do not change with dynamic FS formation in the organism - the information that stimulates or inhibits the spreading of excitations changes. These excitations influence the cell (elementary FS) as an influence of the outer world, and on the basis of its own experience the cell decides what to do or not to do.

And the latter question cannot be answered without involving the Theory of Anticipatory Reflection.

And my artificial brain does everything FS does and has all its elements, which is why it can reasonably behave in the market.

Your questions are substantive, indicative of understanding and interest in the proposed topic and doing your homework - it was a pleasure to answer.

I have no mysteries, so ask away.

It would be interesting to know your purpose, your specialisation (programmer, electronic, philosopher etc) - it would be easier for me to pick up the appropriate language and terminology.

Good luck.

Pterovich_I писал (а) >>
Yurixx wrote (a) >>

Exactly, because my opponent is going to make everyone rich. And not somehow, but by playing futures on OWN.

Ah yes, sorry, that makes a fundamental difference. As opposed to SVOE, by playing on CME you are of course going to make everyone rich. No doubt about it.

Pterovich_I wrote (a) >>

I think my comments are redundant - ask comrade Integer

Of course, if you have nothing to say, even Comrade Integer won't help here.

When I asked you questions, which may arise too inexperienced people, you couldn't find anything better than to copy extracts from your talented and incompetent super-short help. It was a waste of effort, direct answers would have been much shorter and more informative. Or maybe you just don't know the straight answers?

Maybe that's why afterwards, when I still kept asking, you framed your nephew instead of answers ?

The only question you dared to answer was why you are selling a "money printing machine" instead of just printing it. You chose it yourself "for a separate answer", which I suppose illustrates its importance. Unfortunately that response, coupled with your response to a couple of my very humble comments, contains some obvious absurdities. And where does my attempt to move from your general phrases to the specifics of your own position lead to ? You're framing the other again, this time by Integer.

Well, I did not speak about help, but about quite different, though not philosophical, but quite systemic issues?

All right, let's stop here. I won't pester you with my questions anymore.

In conclusion of this interesting conversation one last one.

Your system allows full automation or use it in hand trading?