NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 61

And you, WAC, have sold out to charlatans....

One should not infer from incomplete information. A person could justifiably be awarded a degree for a new solution to a very specific problem, but we are now trying to treat it as recognition of a direction of science that does not exist!

2 SK:

>Through this space, somehow the property of objects to be attracted spreads.

What is the carrier of this property in the absence of a material carrier?

An intangible medium.

This is a typical sophistical example. The theologian and part-time physicist Newton described observable phenomena in the form of a mathematical model, which he called the laws after his name. This is true. Although one could not introduce the concept of gravity, the same could be obtained under the law of conservation of energy. You yourself are taking the position of a meteorite denier: if a statement is not proven, it does not mean that the opposite is true!

The property "limited reality" refers to the word "guru" rather than "thesis", maybe that makes more sense.

When you say "limited reality", you must be referring to the limited brains of self-appointed gurus.

If you thought I was claiming to be a "guru", you are mistaken. I am not a guru at all. And I don't claim to be one.

It's difficult for me to argue with you, because you are obviously not interested in other people's opinions, and you just want to poke me in the nose to make it hurt more :)

But I will answer you this one time.

Anxiety arises when a person is on the brink of the unknown. It is natural and normal. It is also normal to have a natural reaction to turn away from the new, to return to the familiar environment (concepts and dogmas). It is so easy to ridicule someone, all the more so when you have the support of "like-minded people" (of which there is an overwhelming majority).

Few inquiring minds can withstand that onslaught of obscurity.

I take no offence to you:)


To the age-old question of what would happen if everyone became a trader, who would work this answer:

There is a threshold level of response to trader presence =10%/month and no more than 10%/year return on deposit .
If this level is exceeded , suppression feedbacks are activated . (See Hegel's Dialectic).

There are also allowed levels of profit over 10%/month.
Three fundamental personal adjustments are required to obtain the allowed levels:
1. by Cosmoenergetics, trader's right.
2. trading Place in the market (egregore, golem)
3. nervous system settings.

The use of these settings is also controlled.
For example, trade forecasts received on the right of a high level trader and communicated to a person without tuning include feedbacks on suppression.
The trading place in the market is sensitive to deposit management. (Many may recall from personal practice that after withdrawal of the deposit the unrestrained drain begins)
The general rule for the trader "with clearance": from the moment of deposit till withdrawal of the deposit do not even trust the wife or show the trade.


A typical sophisticate example. The theologian and part-time physicist Newton described observable phenomena in terms of a mathematical model, which they called laws after him. That's true. Although one could not introduce the concept of gravity, the same could be obtained under the law of conservation of energy. You yourself are taking the position of a meteorite denier: if a statement is not proven, it does not mean that the opposite is true!

Of course it doesn't. That's exactly what I'm trying to say.

I agree that no general conclusion about the presence of subtle worlds (I prefer the term "higher" worlds) can be drawn from such a small set of information. Besides, in this case there is also a question of terminology - what is "matter". If one chooses the term "all things", it will appear that everything is material.

However, I do not think that all things are matter. And I'm not Newton:) And I'm not even a local guru.

I simply have my beliefs based on personal and generalised experience.

SK. писал (а):
that you're not interested in other people's reasoning and opinions, but that you just want to click me on the nose to make it hurt :)

That was a reality flick;-)

In general, I am interested in your opinions, SK in particular. Do you think that books by Castaneda and Monroe can somehow develop the consciousness to the level of trading ability? I have the opposite opinion.

These books can help us broaden the range of concepts on which our understanding of reality is based.

They have only indirect relevance to trading, just like any other activity.

Literature like this, in my opinion, helps to raise awareness. I think this is very important. Maybe more important than anything else.

I have said before that our understanding of reality is largely inherited from previous generations. And the said sources contain information based on notions, which are not a part of base set of an average representative of modern society.

Here is the important thing: a new generation accepts new knowledge more easily, not because that knowledge is more logical and reasonable, but simply because it is a constituent part of the whole body of knowledge, which forms the basis of society at the time of birth of a new generation. This is called the environment of immersion.

A person is, to a large extent, what the environment of immersion is. If a person is born in a Popois tribe, his views will also be Popois, and by his 30s he may even become the leader of his tribe, the spokesman of those views. The same happens to a person born in a developed western country, to a Hindu, etc. And there is no dignity in any of these options.

In my opinion, the best thing a person can do is to widen his circle of notions voluntarily, on his own initiative, in a meaningful and zealous way. Then he/she has a chance to develop, to raise his/her awareness up to the level exceeding the level of stereotypes and established dogmas.

A good way for that is to change and diversify the immersion environment from time to time. For example, by reading esoteric literature. If one reads a lot, thoughtfully and for a long time, the new environment makes its own sprouts - involuntarily new judgments and notions are discovered, which may grow into convictions, especially if they are confirmed by personal experience.

As for trading, in my opinion, it is not about making money. It is a good way for personal development (as this activity itself also requires new knowledge and develops the habit of learning and requires discipline).


This needs to be clarified.

Consciousness and awareness are not the same thing.

Raising consciousness is not the same as raising awareness.

Briefly: a distinction is made between physical, astral and mental consciousness. All of us have a physical one. If somebody manages to develop the consciousness to the level of astral or mental consciousness, then he is not a hero of the Soviet Union but a superhero of all times and peoples.

What is meant here is only insignificant, from this point of view, steps of personal development - an increase of the level of awareness, i.e. the ability to adequately perceive objects and phenomena within the framework of a common physical consciousness.

Roughly speaking, the degree of awareness is a quantitative measure of consciousness. And an increase in the level of consciousness is a change in quality.


to SK

Now I see why it is valuable for you to "take pressure off your finger at a distance", yet it is as if there is no value in a systemic approach.
It turns out you have set the bar for the unattainability of higher forms of consciousness, but only as exclusively for certain superheroes.


to SK

Now I understand why you value "taking pressure with your finger from a distance", but at the same time it is as if a systematic approach has no value.
It turns out that you have set the bar for the unattainability of higher forms of consciousness, but only as exclusively for certain superheroes.

I really don't like that.

There is no need to attribute to me what I did not say. You don't need to pass off your speculation in public as my beliefs.

You don't know what's valuable to me and what isn't. If need be, I will tell you what you need and when you need it.

And to reach the higher forms of consciousness is really very difficult.

The first thing to do is to cleanse your value system. For example, make sure that there is no natural desire to use sarcasm in one's voice. This is the first step towards increasing awareness within the framework of physical consciousness.

When you receive the first results, come and talk to me. But until that time you should try to keep to the common standards of respect for the one who is interlocutor.