NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 55


to Sart

Why is it saved, if Bush has made a shelf of 1.35 for the Euro, which means that now it will creep down and not give up so easily, it will win some more.


Guys, what's good for the Russian is good for the German. That's paraphrasing.

A lot of self-definitions have been invented in psychology, like "black hole".
And with the Germans... -You can't drink our Germans too much!

Guys, what's good for the Russian is good for the German. That's paraphrasing.

A lot of self-definitions have been invented in psychology, like "black hole".
And with the Germans... -You can't drink our Germans too much!

You're very evolved, you can't be talked over so easily. And here is a concrete forecast - buy now, immediately NZDUSD - you will win at least 200 points.

to Sart

Didn't have time to react, now it is more obvious that it will go to -261%, i.e. 0.7780


to Sart

Didn't have time to react, now it is more obvious that it will go to -261%, i.e. 0.778

I would not wait, and then, if something happens, I would just strengthen... Konyok! I say horseback riding !

to Sart

Didn't have time to react, now it is more obvious that it will go to -261%, i.e. 0.778

I wouldn't wait, then, if anything, I'd just step it up... Horse walk! I say horseback riding!

-I've been a taxi driver for years, i.e. a private carriage service... -How does it help in trading?))


to Sart

I did not have enough time to react, now it is more obvious that I will go to -261%, i.e. 0.778

I wouldn't wait, then, if anything, I'd just step it up... Horse walk! I say horseback riding!

-I used to work as a taxi driver for years, in other words I worked as a private taxi driver, it helps a lot in trading)))

Are you used to calculating distances?

to Sart

I did not have enough time to react, now it is more obvious that I will go to -261%, i.e. 0.778

I wouldn't wait, then, if anything, I'd just step it up... Horse walk! I say horseback riding!

-I used to work as a taxi driver for years, in other words I worked as a private taxi driver, it helps a lot in trading)))

Are you used to estimating distances ?

Used to carry a tire iron under the seat)))

2 Sart, Korey

In brief, EURUSD is undergoing a deep correction. The basic trend has changed. Euro will go down persistently and steadily.

I think the rumours about the death of the euro are greatly exaggerated. But anyway, forecasts based on wave theory are interesting.

By the way, if it's not a secret, how deep a correction is expected ?

Depends on the nature that the correction will take. If a zigzag pattern is formed, the first target is below (Wave A) around the level of 1.3900.
Wave A originates at the level around 1.4960. After reaching the level of 1.3900 upward wave B will follow, which according to the theory should reach the level of 62% of (1.4960-1.3900) =
1.3900 + 0.0657 = 1.4557. And then according to the theory Wave C will break out as an impulse downwards. Yes YOU already know that. We can expect unprecedented lows from wave C....1.2 - 1.3 - realistic outlook levels

I know very little about wave theory and am very skeptical about it. That's why I'm interested in forecasts, especially when they are so contrary to common sense. And now, imho, is precisely the case. I remember Niroba a couple of months ago predicted the collapse of the pound. Now here you are, if not a collapse, then a very strong decline in the Euro.

I don't make predictions in numbers, but since you named yours, I'll say it too. I don't think the dollar is destined not only to fall below 1.43, a pullback after more than 3 months of trending up, but even make it back to 1.44, which it hit not so long ago.

And so it did. The low recorded on February 7, 1.4438


to Yurixx

The conclusion is that the Yen will be pulled down.

The Amercans won't like it economically, but they need it politically (the dollar is already flying low), but they will tolerate it for one quarter for the sake of the stronger dollar. Where will M1, M2 money run to? - First of all, to gold, secondly to the euro. Accordingly, a slight, so to speak, rise of the euro against all currencies... This will partially strengthen the dollar, it will also go up, but with the Euro lagging behind. It would be shameful for the Europeans to push the Euro further than 1.5, that is, unseemly in a decent house (this is fraught with the collapse of the world economy). In other words, they will be hanging around the 1.5 ceiling, waiting for a balancing act.

Conclusion: The Euro will now earn the image of a stable currency, supposedly neither rising nor falling at the strategic top of 1.5.


News of the hour for the Natural Intelligence:

Bush Jr. has announced a sharp increase in the military budget (+7%).
The press will of course say that the dollar is k-fucked. However, in the current environment, this jump in military spending will lead to a temporary, in a few months..,
dollar to 1.35 on the EUR and 150 on the Yen.

This controversy took place on 23-24 January. The last quote from Korey is dated February 4. The Euro breakout of the 1.5000 mark occurred on February 26.

I have to be honest, I didn't expect such a quick resumption of the dollar's fall. Nevertheless, from my point of view, everything makes sense. And from your point of view? Sart, has the wave pattern changed? If so, how does it compare to the previous one ? If not, what are the current levels and forecasts ? Korey, what do your fundamental considerations say ?

I want someone to convince me that the collapse of the dollar and the global financial system I have written about in this thread is my morbid fantasy. :-)


to Yurixx.

That the Dollar has served as the world's currency since 1945 is paid for with the blood of our grandfathers and great grandfathers.
This is forex history. Stalin himself signed it. Tehran 43, Yalta 44.
Shifting the dollar from the world's position - revisiting the results of WWII and the actual steps towards a third.
Steps to the third can be seen by the movement of the "bronze soldier".
The more one gets rid of "Moscow's diktat", the faster the dollar falls.
What is there to be happy about?