NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 49

Yurixx: German, Rex is King. Apparently it came there from Latin.

I'll cut to the chase. The Latin expression: "Qualis rex, talis grex", as a king, so are his entourage.

On Jesus' crucifixion they put a plaque with the name of the crime on had the words Rex
(on crosses of sufficient size to be reproduced).
It is politically correct for us to translate it as "King of the Jews",
But it is unlikely that the executioners used a respectful name for the punishable crime.
By that time Rome had long been ruled by the Caesars, and the Germanic tribes by the Koenigs and the Germanic tribes used to have Carolingians.
Maybe therefore the name of the already antique Roman/Germanic dog could be REX (cf. the Russian name Pina, Pinochet).
That is to say, the ancient Romans quietly called dogs by their personal name REX.

In unraveling the properties of forex, the main load is carried by the semantic unit accumulated in culture,
for the subcortex of most of us now - Rex is a dog.
For example - in the 19th century, the personal address "Man" was extremely derogatory - an arrogant poking someone who's a nobody,
a descendant of a worthless father.
The subcortical areas of the brain of a citizen of the 19th century reacted to the word "human" quite differently than they do now.
It was only through the efforts of humanists that man sounded proud.
In terms of trading such reasoning is very important, because it provides motivation,
- the relationship between the trader's personality and the market.

The natural intelligence of a trader is in direct correlation with the trader's personal self-talk,
Which in turn correlated with their personal definition of the market,
For example, Elder gives an example of a trader, previously suppressed by his father as a personality,
As a result, the trader can only profitably enter downwards, i.e. understand and look for trades only on suppression.

The "trader's DAO" poem cited at the CROWFOR forum link is the very same SELF-EMPOWERMENT on the part of the individual,
causing a consequent change in the polarisation of the personality in relation to the snark, which polarisation is bound to affect the trade.
However, there are also announcements, manifestations on the outside so to speak.


THE TRAder's natural intelligence is in direct dependence on the trader's personal self-declaration,
which in turn are correlated with his personal definition of the Market,
For example, Elder gives an example of a trader, previously suppressed by his father as a personality,
As a result, the trader can profitably enter only downwards, i.e. he understands and looks for deals only on suppression.

Interesting observation. I second that.

Nowadays, the 'ordinary trader' is not at all easy either. He has no clear view of himself or society, his idea of the world is based on his experience of victories in kwoku or dum. That's why he, suppressed by everybody and everything (parents, media, tough guys, stuck-up girls and even a tram ticket inspector), and remembering that he can hide behind the screen and satisfy his ego by making himself look cool online, easily accepts the challenge of Forex. And, of course, with easily predictable results.

Forex is soulless and squirrelly. That's its value. It does not pressurise itself as society does. That pressure is a trader's own property, a set of notions on which his consciousness is based. But only until he overcomes himself. In this sense, all traders are on an equal footing and each one is the master of his destiny.

SK. писал (а):
everyone is the master of their own destiny.

SK. wrote (a):
everyone is the master of his own destiny.

And how these Masters manifest themselves)))
Everyone takes their own will extra loads,
both need this and that, up to the ballet, i.e. takes Alien Destiny in different form, and no matter how alien it motivates him.
Without Purification, the trading of Natural Intelligence will be aggravated.
An overloaded plane is no longer Lord of Heaven, but a set of blanks for examination.
And how these Masters manifest themselves)))
Everyone takes for himself/herself with his/her own will extra loads,
both this and that, up to the ballet, i.e. takes Alien Destiny in different form, and no matter how alien it motivates him.
Without Purification, the trading of Natural Intelligence will be aggravated.
An overloaded plane is no longer Lord of Heaven, but a set of blanks for examination.


The vast majority of overlords are busy doing what they want, i.e. they spend the lion's share of energy on experiencing this desire, and their work does not move on. Naturally, not getting the object of their desire at their disposal, they blame the environment ("forex kolbasa").

Some who are more sensible do ... right up to the ballet. Well... what can you do... They find their trap, their escape into workaholism or populism, into supposedly-not-thinking-about-yourself. And it's all the more ruinous for them if they don't get their way early on.

But those who have mastered the notion of "destiny" and have begun to separate themselves a little from their usual warm environment, still have chances. In essence, development is purification (like, from delusions), but it is given only to the going. And trading for them will not be aggravated. Just in proportion to development-purification.


to SK

By working as a proletarian, a man purifies his anger and learns to use it in a measured way.
If he has earned it, he must feast on it to the end,
otherwise he'll burn out. He drank all of it and the anger drives him to work again, as the rest is frightening.
Working as a blue-collar man clears his ego.
- "modest engineer in a tie with a sharp-pointed pencil in his pocket". The engineer more often than not does not know, does not understand (technology advances),
but saves his ego by grasping the float, the norms and the constructs.
By working as a manager, a man purifies his desires, his ego. If a manager cannot cope with his desires among the same managers, he is simply driven out.

By working as a trader, a person purifies his fate, but how many are able to stand this purification?
Does the impure part of the fate knock the trader out of the saddle?
or the market knocks out the trader who is not cleared by destiny.
In both these cases, by the trader the accumulated intelligence is only a potency to break the deadlock.
Someone of the great ones said that inexperienced traders can profit by high concentration of thought.

They went no further. So here goes:
If one needs to make a profit a second time and the experience, let's say, is it possible to have the same high mental concentration as in the first session?
Life answers - no, there is no such thing as high mental concentration without experience for the second time.))
So much for being your own master!


I remember a colleague's story. He said: I did not understand how films about the capture of Berlin in 1945 showed some working offices, accountants in arm-ties, girls at typewriters and so on. I didn't realise until I witnessed tanks being deployed in Moscow in recent history and continued to work - what else was there to do? Of course this is not a war, but having experienced the experience personally, one understands others in similar situations better. It is easier for everyone to hide in their work - "been busy" is a prepared excuse for any outcome of the revolution of power.

Trading is also one manifestation of life for those who do it. One can also observe the suppression and complete lack of willpower in a "revolution" that the trader did not expect. The trader can't lift a finger while looking spellbound at a melting deposit - the same manifestation of passivity with a complete feeling of being "in business"! The only difference is that you don't have to justify yourself to anyone. It's not about purification or development: One must be aware that the trader entering the market must be a "professional revolutionary", and his or her natural intellect must have prepared solutions for all variants of the situation. Amateurs are doomed from the start - no amount of concentration will help.



I really wanted to add a couple of catchphrases to your post.

Experience is the son of mistakes.

Only he who does nothing is not wrong.

You can be more specific - the first two deposits.