NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 48


to Yurixx

The TV talking heads are mentioned because they drive the money with their language (maybe it's an insider's game on the course).

VIL has nothing to do with it, I was retelling M. Thatcher.

Under the Tehran/Yalta and subsequent agreements the currencies for international payments were prescribed. Mostly the dollar. The French for prestige, as the winning country (!) inserted a non-cash Equus for customs settlements. The pacific settlement was given to the yen, which seems strange to us, but it was sensible, I could not find any details.

That post-war consolidation was necessary so that no one would try to redraw the markets with either little or no blood. And now, "When the first is beaten by the second, it is the third who takes the lead".


2 Korey

Clearly these words could not have been Lenin's. After all, he left this world long before WW2 began. But his analysis of the causes and objectives of WW1 was strongly tied to the words "redistribution of the world". That's why I said "footprints".

I suppose the talking heads are driven by the myths that the common man's mind lives by, but not his money. And certainly not money in general. The talking heads undoubtedly influence the philistine's choices, but money is driven by the philistine's needs. So TV is a good tool to increase the incomes of those whose money actually moves the economy and the market, but it can hardly be attributed to the causes (even the 3rd plan) of the processes that develop in finance and economy.

Это послевоенное закрепление было необходимо чтобы никто ни ни малой ни большой кровью не пытался перекраивать рынки. А сейчас, "Когда первого побеждает второй, вперед вырывается третий".

Any entrenchments, whatever their purpose, are temporary. Not because sooner or later someone will come along who will want to revise them, but because life goes on and everything changes: the environment, the processes, and the participants themselves. Therefore, any progressive solutions, if they do not change, eventually become reactionary. But this is not about the need to redistribute markets, it is just a matter of speaking.

And it doesn't take anyone's collapse, financial or economic crisis, change of world reserve currency, etc., to reshape the markets at all. In the post-war 60 years markets have been in a state of change all the time - this is simply a result of the laws of capitalism, open economies and globalisation. None of the countries that have accumulated huge reserves in dollars (including China) are interested in its collapse. And Europe is not interested in it - too close and extensive ties with America. So "who needs it"? Maybe the states?

There will always be someone ahead. But that does not mean that all the changes are the fault of the one who will be the leader and it is all planned and orchestrated by him. There are situations where everything happens by itself, independently and against the wishes of the participants, who are too keen on the levers of control or who think they can do everything.

A small detail. Bush has fixed the mortgage rate in the US with his decision. Is this administrative interference in the economy normal for a country which has "freedom of enterprise" written all over its banner? This is not the only example, just the latest, indicating (imho) that the sick man is cramping up. China led them to it or Europe ?


to Yurixx

1. has Bush fixed the stakes? The administration can do better than that. It's not Prohibition yet!

Where and what kind of freedom they have.)) Same Empire as we had, with the same pioneers and "union" meetings. You can't slap your own child on the arse. 8% of children are required to take tranquillisers. Freedom...except on bail they are exempt from criminal liability.

2. The currency of international contracts is a soft but very strong economic control. Change the currency of settlement - change the axis, change the target, change the reward and punishment.

3. Originally, we started this conversation with two pairs - if EURUSD is up, why is USDJPY also up? ( tied to a specific date). The key in my fund. analysis was the aforementioned phrase of M. Thatcher.


Where and what freedom they have.)) Same Empire as we had, with the same pioneers and "union" meetings. You can't slap your own child on the arse. 8% of children are required to take tranquillisers. Freedom...except on bail they are exempt from criminal liability.

And I subscribe to every single one of those words. :-)

3. Originally, we started this conversation with two pairs - if EURUSD is up, why is USDJPY also up? (The key to my fund. analysis was the aforementioned phrase of M. Thatcher.

Yes, you are right. Thank you for sharing your insights. It's always interesting to get a perspective from a completely different, unexpected (for me it was so) side.

I read this,6170.0.html and remembering this thread, I couldn't resist. IHMO beautiful and in verse

Whoever has written this creation has decided to "mimic" Amar Khayyam.

If I were to voice the plot of the creation, it sounds something like this - LEAVE HOPE - EVERYONE WHO ENTERS THERE.

And from myself.

"And Forex is like an open fire. You can look with your eyes, but you can't touch it with your hands. And whoever wants to embrace with the flames will become ashes, so it's better to shoot yourself and not to lose time, and not to see your wife leaving you".


In response to the philosophical hopelessness, I can offer the following.

Everybody perishes - that's for sure, with or without money.
Till their death they try to worm their way
To crawl on FOREX
Tears and snot all are ghostly.
Everybody dies - that's for sure, with or without money.


But where is the Wisdom, what is the cause of the futile Troubles?
♪ maybe forex is unaccountably bad ♪
♪ maybe everyone creeping in here is a creeping enemy ♪
♪ and everyone who's registered here is called a fool ♪

♪ let's go back ♪
♪ back to the beginning ♪
♪ to the entrance of the turn ♪
And what do we see on the sign of the gate?
What we'll see is...
in Latin as in hell!
And for those who don't get it, let me translate.

...there's a popular translation,
that the market is the market and FOREX is just a code....

Once upon a time, God had a thought,
that these pussies would be taught a lesson.

Everything on Earth doesn't matter, Will and Jail,
and youth and honesty and conscience without a mind
And they go to Hell, proud of the fact that there help the devils with fire...
...wood for the cauldron... Mm-hm.
So what do they care? -Ah money,
Money, -Yes!

Let's give the people a marketplace that Hell is a branch
So that on Earth, in their lifetime, it may give joy to the people.
Let this market shine in the daylight
Let those who are too clever get stuck in it

What shall we call the new one that's a branch of Hell
"Bazaar" sounds trivial and "market" is marginal.
Who's in charge of the Ada branch? That's what we'll call it!
Let's call it "Cerberus"...
But that will scare them away...

because they fear Cerberus - Dante told them
into ages gone Canubis..,
IMHO! - Trade Hall!
Why boiling cauldrons,
Why hooks in the ribs
Let the sleeper traders carry their goods.

Who's the best guardian of order, Who's people's best friend?
A dog!
Yes - a dog, don't you believe it - check it out!

♪ let's give the name FOREX ♪
initial pun
♪ Have a good adventure ♪
♪ Here's the courtroom tour ♪

Let a man guess,
♪ or maybe he'll read ♪
where he once went,
that inscription at the Gate.


FOREX is one reason, for rex means here.
I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it.
FOREX for Rex is four bitches, oh no four Dogs
(there's no boredom if the pops are leaking)
for Rex - the beginning of the cycle, everyone's waiting for the result...

I won't finish the essay, more words to come....

Alexander Pak
Saturday 02.02.2008, Alma_ata,

P.S. In the distant future, archaeologists will wonder
how in this way the cult of Canubis was transformed into the cult of Forex


An interesting interpretation. But it's not the only one.

For those burdened by a sense of self-importance, I can suggest a softer version for the ego.

If I'm not mistaken, Rex means King in Latin.


An interesting interpretation. But it's not the only one.

For those burdened by a sense of self-importance, I can suggest a softer version for the ego.

If I'm not mistaken, Rex means King in Latin.

In hearsay, from some publication I assumed Rex was a dog,
However, if Rex is the king,
then the international arrangements had already deliberately simaronised four currencies years ago.
By hearsay, from some publication, it was assumed that Rex is a dog,
However, if Rex is a king,
then the international conventions years ago deliberately simarooned the four currencies.

Well, actually, when it comes to English, it's.

1. rex is a short-haired breed of rabbit; colour variety (rex rabbit)

2. rex is a breed of cat with curly but sparse hair (rex cat)

And Rex, it seemed to me, was just a common name for a dog, a.k.a. cliché. But, moved by the topic, I found that in German Rex is King. Apparently it came there from Latin. And it is also clear now why this name is so common for German shepherd dogs.