NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 21

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So as not to be unsubstantiated, here are the Euro-Dollar Waves and Impulses for November and December
The picture and the chart template are in the attached archive.
ps: ballistika, if I have understood the description wrong, please point out the mistakes
Hello, how did you draw such beautiful lines, manually ? or is there an indicator of some kind ?
Here's to answering your questions. I thought you were asking about worldview, not love. I think you would agree that an atheist (agnostic) is not a monster. I'm the same person, and probably a lot like you. But something in my statements in your opinion is wrong or very scary, I don't know what, I can't figure it out :-(. If you think an agnostic is incapable of love. What about me then, for more than 17 years I love 1 woman, every day I admire her and I think it is impossible to love more, but every day I am wrong as I love her even more. And this love is mutual. This is my wife and I am very happily married. I have children and I love them too, and it's impossible not to love them, they are children. It's later they grow into a beautiful flower and a prickly cactus.
I, too, have recently begun to think more often about the meaning of life, especially reading this thread. And it's good that one comes back to these questions from time to time. And I too have looked at my whole life, tried to evaluate it. And I had a mental dialogue with myself (though it was not for 15 pages :-)). I asked myself 1 question. What am I afraid of? What is the scariest thing for me as a human being? I don't know if you come to different conclusions, that the worst thing is to go to hell, you are afraid to die or something, I don't know. It is difficult to get inside another person's head and catch all the "cockroaches" there. The scariest thing for me is to see my wife and children burned in a concentration camp furnace. That's what I'm afraid of, terrified beyond belief, and nothing can compare to that fear. And even losing my "eternal" life can't help it, my "eternal life" is nothing, nothing compared to this.
I started writing responses to some posts yesterday, I wrote so much, thank God I didn't post it. I got as drunk as a cobbler and went to bed. I am a human being with all my "advantages" and "disadvantages", and I relieve stress in the traditional Russian way. My wife is much better than me, when she has a hard time she goes to church and puts out a candle, it helps her. I don't. She will beat my head in soap again and will do the right thing.
komposter et al. sorry i can't get past some of the posts below this is a little snippet of what i wrote yesterday.
Wars are for those who find value in them, but to participate in a war is not necessary, although to intervene already podzamozayut participation, however, we can enter the war as easily as to leave it, it is the only thing that allows you to look at the war from a favorable point of view:)
LIFE itself means WAR, a war of division of interests, a war of identification of life, REFERENCES are inevitable, because there is always a point of view which cannot be accepted, if this point of view is not changed, then a war begins :) WAR is a development, because after a war, LIFE picks up speed.
04.01.2008 13:01To xnsnet are you sure you know what war is. Or for you it is "Conter Strike". Are you still so naive that once you start a war, you can end it by turning off your "computer" and going out for a beer ?
xnsnet I have carefully looked through almost all your posts on this forum, and made one conclusion (maybe I'm wrong) you have quite a rich imagination, but it (imagination) still needs to be at least sometimes kept within limits. I hope that my recommendations will help you to do so. Watch the film "Come and See"( Maybe it will sober you up. But it used to be shown in all cinemas in the USSR. They even took primary schools classes to see it :-(. I would recommend to everybody to watch this film, who has not yet made up his mind about the values of life, but I'm afraid that my advice is bad and someone may go crazy :-(.
Hello, how did you draw such beautiful lines, by hand or is there an indicator?
I thought you were asking about worldview, not love. I think you would agree that an atheist (agnostic) is not a monster.
My worldview includes a "view" of love ;) Because love is part of my worldview.
I don't think atheists are heartless, I didn't say that. I just "wanted to hang myself" after reading one of your posts ;)
Tried to correct that sentiment.
There are plenty of threads discussing trading strategies, but this is one.
Don't turn it into a "regular" one. Please.
You shouldn't think I was being sarcastic. I wanted to help you and gave you a better example, from my point of view, of what you're talking about. It seems to have worked. I just wanted to, how would it be more accurate to say, corner you with this logical construct. I wanted you to come to a conclusion that a man can't get knowledge in this way and there is no universal mind that knows answers to all questions.
From my point of view, a man gets knowledge in another way. A monk, no matter how much he gets enlightened and meditates, cannot get knowledge how to create a microprocessor (to build a computer, etc.). There is no such knowledge, a man receives this knowledge, but in a completely different way. And consciousness is a product of human brain. Maybe crudely, but I think it will be evident. Like a cow is a cow and it has a product - milk. No cow and no milk. In the same way a man has a brain (a gray matter :-)), there can appear a product of thoughts, ideas, any knowledge, and it can be new information. In a word, he may think consciously. If he has no brain, he has nothing to think of, nothing to realize :-).
And for snide remarks, well, let's try. May be it will work, but take below written logical constructions with a smile, a big good smile, please :-).
Let's take that substance which appears on icons (myrrh) and start reasoning :-).
Let's take this conclusion as a working hypothesis and, by some miracle, it becomes clear why the composition has been so carefully concealed :-). Who would want to know what he is smeared with, and then the flock will be greatly reduced :-). It seems we are not moving away from faith, because Christ was anointed with it, so all his followers should be anointed with it too. Maybe it's like a secret of Coca-Cola, if you open it up and sales will drop :-), people will find out what they are drinking.
I sense that "righteous" anger is starting to mount in the opponents, do not worry, I'm baptized and took this rite, too smeared with this substance, whose composition I do not know :-).
And then the question arose again, but what if it's not a setup and in fact (somewhere along the way) from the picture, something that stood out. How it is called in my mother tongue ...
Good luck in trading and good mood. Just smile :-)))))))) I am going to build a TS and start unwrapping Renata's New Year's present. i will build a great TS and earn all the money in the world :-) we'll put it all in a big pile and create the world with Love :-) since there is no more money :-)
xnsnet I have carefully looked through almost all your posts on this forum, and made one conclusion (I may be wrong) you have quite a rich imagination, but it (imagination) still needs to be kept in bounds at least sometimes. I hope my recommendations will help you with that. Watch the film "Come and See"( Maybe it will sober you up. But it used to be shown in all cinemas in the USSR. They even took primary schools classes to see it :-(. I would recommend to everybody to watch this film if someone is still undecided about the values of life, but I'm afraid that my advice is not good - someone may go crazy :-(.
You're trying to mix all the arguments together, you can't do that because you create mush and draw conclusions from it:) Limitations and frameworks you create yourself, what else can I say, think about it, maybe my recommendations will help you:)
On the subject of war, for instance, in one case I was talking about the war of opinions, in another, about the general situation. And you have made it so easy to take it and mix it up:)
Don't worry, I won't bother you any more, there is just so much philosophy in life and so little real business. I just wanted to answer the question underlying the title of this thread and never answered by the participant who asked it and has long been lost in the dialogue. The man put a specific question and in response received (as always) much controversy, and on a topic not directly related to his question.
There is an expression "Russians are long in harnessing, but then they go fast", but modern Europeans and Americans have paraphrased this proverb in a modern way "Russians are long in harnessing, and when they harness it, they do not need to go anywhere".
You have taken my deductions lightly. This is a very profitable trading method. Or the process itself attracts you?
In short - sort it out, look. My comments are over.
Do not take it personally, but you evaluate a little superficially, though perhaps you see the point, and the point is that all that is said in this thread, spinning at the same place, there are disputes, etc., but the essence does not change:). Remember natural intelligence as the basis of the trading system, so we are all simply talking about different parts of this issue without losing the thread linking to the issue :)
Besides, believe me, real business does not stand still, more than 90% of the participants in this thread, we're just discussing:)
komposter let's build the TS, I am starting a New Year's present to Renata. We will build a great TS and earn all the money in the world :-) we will put it all in a big pile and sozom, and the world will be ruled by Love :-) as there is no more money :-)
Prival, I don't need all the money in the world. Not even half of it.
Just the thought of not having to earn it makes me sad.
And one thing I know for sure (I checked it myself more than once) - it's not the money that makes you happy.
You have taken my deductions lightly in vain.
This is a very profitable method of trading.
I think it is impossible to formalize these impulses (almost certainly), and I don't have enough "instinct" (intuition) to detect them manually.
You're looking to make money, aren't you? You want the result, right? Or is it the process that attracts you?
There is no such knowledge there, this knowledge is obtained by man, but in a completely different way. And consciousness is a product of the human brain. Maybe crudely, but I think it's illustrative. Like a cow...
Consciousness is not a product of the human brain.
To put it crudely, the brain is a technical tool that serves consciousness. A printer plays a similar role in relation to a processor. A printer, having printed some document, may think that he himself has invented the text of the document. But it did not. It has only been given a hold of it.
The truth cannot be arrived at intellectually. While reasoning within the limits of habitual notions, one can only slightly clarify something, and this "clarification" is more of a terminological confusion, while in fact any development, any new knowledge is inevitably connected with mastering of new notions. The more substantial the new concept, the wider the horizon of knowledge. And development always takes place at the boundary between the known and the unknown.
Here a small example of this border. Before occurrence of STR there could be no question to doubt in existing at that time understanding of true: time for all objects works equally, and vectors of speeds are added under the known laws.
Problem 1. A train is travelling at a speed of 100 km/hour. A passenger is walking inside the carriage towards the driver (towards the locomotive) with a speed of 5 km/h. With what speed is the passenger moving relative to a cow grazing in a meadow behind the window of the train?
Answer options:
- before the service station: 105km/h = 100 + 5;
- After the advent of the STO: 105kph (minus a small value).
Problem 2. A train travels at a speed of 10 000 km/sec (well, let's say). The driver is holding a machine gun (which shoots sponges:) and shoots at thecows that run over the railway track (to scare them off, so that they do not get under the wheels). The sponges fly out of the barrel at the speed of light = 300,000 km/sec. At what speed do the sponges hit the target (the cow)?
Answer options:
- before SWDS: 310,000 km/h = 300,000 + 10,000;
- After the advent of the STO: 300,000 km/sec;
It is easy to see that formal logic (in all its glory - strict, consistent, classical) is powerless in this case. This problem cannot be solved intellectually (logically). Thus it is possible only to solve it and get, respectively, an answer based on a limited conception of the universe (in this case, an erroneous answer).
Human development occurs in accordance with the law of increasing the quality of basis. Many people pay attention only to its external side - the development of the means of labour, but the progressive development is inevitably connected with the development of consciousness.
However, in order for this to happen, one must work. For example, one can start by simply thinking hard. At the same time, one may categorically disagree with the fact that "thinking" is not in the brain; in this case, it does not matter. For example, in a weekend and a half, if not distracted by extraneous thoughts, one can at least touch the truth - find in oneself a cloud of doubt about the correctness of one's own views, and if one is lucky, about the righteousness of the entire materialistic concept. This requires a little - trying to "perceive" the right answer (solving the tasks of the train-cow and brain-printer), mentally referring to them over and over again with all the fiber of one's being.