MT4 - NeuroShell Day Trader Professional - MT4 - page 9

Muzzor >> :

As a legitimate user and someone who actively uses NSDT in trading, I can say...

I have a few questions about NSDT. You can leave your contacts or drop me an email to answer (my address is on the website, the website is in my profile).

Valio >> :

Does anyone have a legit NSDT with their support ?

Need API docs for a few dlls.

I'll share DataFeeder via MT4 - FREE OF CHARGE.

Thank you in advance.

Valio писал(а) >>

Does anyone have a legit NSDT with their support ?

Need API docs for a few dlls.

I will share DataFeeder via MT4 - FREE OF CHARGE.

Thanks for the Feeder -

Unfortunately I can't help you with legal NSDT.

Valio писал(а) >>

Does anyone have a legit NSDT with their support ?

Need API docs for a few dlls.

I'll share DataFeeder via MT4 - FREE OF CHARGE.

To all those who are here "please" - once again I stupidly need the documentation from the manufacturer. If you are a licensed user, you either have it or can get it through support. Writing it is like two fingers ) Digging API blindly is very slow - and I feel sorry for time.


No documentation from the manufacturer.

Can anyone tell me how to export trading signals to Quickshell in this version of neuroshell ?

rooted >>:

Документов от производителя нет.

Никто не подскажет как в этой версии neuroshell экспортировать торговые сигналы в квик?

I'm having problems registering on that site. they send me a password but it doesn't fit. and password recovery doesn't work... it's glitchy

I not only tried it, I tested it. Works great!!!!


I just have a question for those who already use NSDT in real trading. Who better to ask than you)).

I configured MTFeed Pro Trader Edition 1.03, signals from NSDT to MT4 are sent without problems and trades are opened in MT4. However, i can not see the Stop Loss, Take Profit or any other orders in MT4, even though i know NSDT is sending them. ))

I think you have solved this point for sure. )) Please clarify it.

If the topic of writing a server via datapump is still relevant, this link has everything you need:Помощь-от-Vitek_tlt/page41